Types of accepted continuous water data
Below are two types of formats that we accept: Time Series File Format and Field Visit File Format.
1. Time Series File Format
Station Name or ID and date range in the file name e.g. Site123_20181009_20181010
Comma delimited format (.csv or .txt)
- Column 1 – Date and Time – yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM (hourly frequency)
- Column 2 – Parameter Value
- Column 3 – Parameter Value
- Column 4 – Parameter Value
- Column 5 – Parameter Value
*An additional column can be added for data grade if data is graded as per standards – please see RISC Hydrometric Grade table 1.1 and Grade Codes

Above: .csv format

Above: .txt format
2. Field Visit File Format (Hydrometric)
The following data formats are supported for hydrometric field visits:
- AquaCalcPro
- FlowTracker DIS and FlowTracker2
- WinRiverII HydroML
- SonTek ADCP
- Scottech STIL Gauging Logger
Delimited files are accepted for all parameters for field visits. The acceptable format is below:
- Column A – Measurement Number (required for field measurements)
- Column B – Date and Time – yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM (note time zone – PST, PDT, UTC)
- Column C – Discharge (note the unit and whether value is Raw or Corrected)
- Column D – Level
- Column E – Channel Width
- Column F – Channel Area
- Column G – Velocity
- Column H – Data Grade (as per RISC Hydrometric Standards)
- Column I – Method (used to collect the data)
- Column J – Conditions (weather)
Example of file format multiple parameters (csv) below:

Ready to share your data?
Use our online application form to begin the process of sharing your Continuous (Time-Series) Water Data.