Administrative boundaries

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Find reference maps and data sets that show various administrative boundaries.

On this page

Reference maps

Reference maps show the location of geographic areas for which data are collected. The maps display the boundaries, names and codes of standard geographic areas. They also reference major cultural and physical features such as roads, railways, coastlines, rivers and lakes.

Census boundaries

The Census uses a system where areas are grouped together in a specific order. First, there are Census subdivisions, which combine to form Census divisions (also known as regional districts). Then, these divisions come together to form economic regions (also known as development regions).

Below are maps of each of the census development regions and regional districts. 

To search Census areas for a selection of years, choose British Columbia maps from Stats Canada.

Visit the BC Data Catalogue for Census data.  

Health boundaries

BC Stats and the Ministry of Health have produced a reference map of Health Administrative Boundaries.

For other information on Health boundaries, please visit Regional health authorities.

School district boundaries

To access an interactive map of school district contacts, please visit School District Contacts Map.

College regions

Provincial electoral districts

The latest map of Provincial Electoral District boundaries is available from the Elections BC website.

Local government boundaries

Visit Local government maps to view the boundaries for regional districts, electoral areas, and municipalities. 

Data downloads

View spreadsheets BC Stats creates to show administrative boundaries cross-reference lists.

Geospatial data

You can find legally defined administrative area spatial data on the BC Data Catalogue website.

Census data is also available in the BC Data Catalogue

Contact us

The reference documents and links on this page are maintained by different program areas. Please contact GeoBC with questions.

General enquiries: 

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Victoria, BC V8Z 3P8

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