Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR)

Last updated on March 11, 2025

The Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR) is the primary source for trustworthy information regarding rights over. Crown land. It is a legislated registry that combines information from many different Ministries.

Access the Integrated Land and Resource Registry. A BCeID or an IDIR is required.

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On this page

About the ILRR

The Integrated Land and Resource Registry ILRR is a consolidation of tenures, rights and interests. Data is visually represented on a map and available using a standard web browser. The registry contains:

  • Crown land parcel data
  • Private land parcel data (where available)
  • Administrative boundaries
  • Base map data

To keep the data current, ILRR updates every 30 minutes. Some details that don't change often are uploaded together regularly. It's free for people to use ILRR, but digital spatial information cannot be downloaded directly from it.

You can use the ILRR to:

  • Generate queries, maps and reports
  • Compare interests from different databases in one format
  • Check the current status of Crown and private land
  • Get email alerts for changes in specific areas
  • Support land use planning and treaty negotiations
  • Identify potential land use conflicts between resource interests

Learn about registered interests in the ILRR, and what to do when interests are in conflict:

Users may obtain digital data, including base maps, survey fabric and metadata, from other government sources:

Access the ILRR application

  1. Open the Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR).
  2. At the welcome page, choose your level of access:
    • Public User (requires Basic BCeID)
    • External Business User (requires Business BCeID)
    • Internal Government User (requires IDIR)
  3. Log in with your BCeID or IDIR and password.
  4. Guest Users must accept the ILRR Terms and Conditions of Use before using the ILRR Map Viewer. External Business Users and Internal Government Users have full access to the ILRR Main Menu.


The ILRR is available to:

  • General public with a Basic BCeID (limited access)
  • Businesses and Organizations with a Business BCeID (full access)
  • B.C. Government with an IDIR (full access)

How to use ILRR tools and functions to query data

Ensure that you have proper credentials before accessing the ILRR. Learn more about requirements for each level of access:


Public users

Any individual can apply for a free Basic BCeID account. A Basic BCeID provides access to the ILRR Map Viewer only. A Basic BCeID does not provide access to ILRR query tools or reports.


External business users

Businesses and organizations that wish to access the full functionality of the ILRR must apply for a Business BCeID. Individuals may not apply for a Business BCeID. A Business BCeID provides access to all ILRR functionality, including query tools and reports.


Internal government users

B.C. Government employees can use their IDIR account and password to log in to the ILRR and access full ILRR functionality, including query tools and reports.

Additionally, government users with a valid business reason can apply for access to sensitive records by filling out the form below:

Access to personal and sensitive records will be restricted in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

ILRR registered interests

The Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR) provides information on over 280 different legal interests on Crown land including tenures, regulated uses, land and resource use restrictions, and reservations. There are over 2.8 million interests registered in the ILRR, of which 800,000 are active.

Interest types

View an alphabetical listing of all current registered interests in the ILRR:

Some common interest types

Natural resource interests

  • Forest Data
  • Mineral, Placer and Coal Data 
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Data 

Land use interests

  • Land Act Data 

Land ownership interests

  • Survey Parcel Fabric Data 

The ILRR provides private land information where it is available. Other sources of information on private land are:

Interest conflicts

The Province of British Columbia issues leases, licenses and permits that allow or limit various uses of Crown land and resources. Several activities may occur on the same land base, provided the purposes are compatible. This can become complex due to differences in resources, tenure terms and conditions, and changing land use expectations.

The ILRR can display conflicting interests to assist users in determining where and how much a specified area overlaps a selected interest. Users may generate a conflict report, constraint report or combined report with this information.

Technical resources

Release notes


ILRR 9.2 - May 17, 2023

ILRR 9.2 includes some new, specialized reports.

Contact us

The ILRR is created and maintained by GeoBC.

General enquiries:

Deliveries courier
3rd Floor, 3400 Davidson Ave
Victoria, BC V8Z 3P8

Mailing address
Victoria, BC V8W 9M5