Core policy objectives and human resources policies

Last updated on May 22, 2024

The last updated date above reflects the date of most recent changes to the web page. Each individual policy document listed below contains a date reflecting when the policy was last updated.

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Core policy objectives

The core policy objectives and the Corporate Plan for the BC Public Service both provide strategic direction and context for the policy statements that are intended to guide human resource (HR) management practices across the BC Public Service. 

  1. Government is supported by a professional public service that has the knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve current and future objectives
  2. The public service promotes a safe and healthy workplace that supports the well-being of employees
  3. The public service is a versatile workforce that can adapt to meet changing needs
  4. Public service employees understand their roles, how their work contributes to achieving the goals of government and are focused on results
  5. Public service employees exhibit the highest standards of conduct

Human resources policies overview

The Accountability Framework for Human Resource Management provides information on the context within which the agency head of the BC Public Service Agency delegates authority, under the Public Service Act, to deputy ministers or other senior officials for human resource management.

Policy statements provide organizations with flexibility for decision-making, while clearly articulating mandatory requirements.

Policy statements address topics that may also be covered in collective agreements or contracts of employment.

In such instances, the policy statements are meant to enhance aspects of these articles in the employment contracts or provide additional information, but they do not supersede them. Each program area has guidelines, tools and resources available to support HR practices in the BC Public Service.

All deputy ministers, associate deputy ministers, executives, senior officials, supervisors and HR professionals in the BC Public Service are accountable for carrying out specific HR management functions.

The Accountability Framework for Human Resource Management, the core policy objectives and the human resources policies support this.

Human resources policies

 Human resources guidelines


Personnel disclosure and communications

Personnel disclosure and communications

Last updated: November 23, 2017

1. Public Service Agency policy on internal disclosure.

Communication of personal information internal to the ministry and government must be strictly on a need-to-know basis and in compliance with Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Care must be taken to minimize risks of inappropriate information sharing, hearsay or possible reputational damage or internal disruption while an employment-related investigation is under-way. Ministry decision-makers must consult with the Public Service Agency (PSA) employee relations specialists and should consult with the chief records officer, or designate, before engaging in any internal communications regarding any allegations of misconduct and any subsequent investigation or disciplinary response.

In the event of a workplace absence due to an ongoing investigation, such as a temporary suspension or leave of absence, workflow and authorizations will need to continue with the minimal disruption possible.

2. Government Communications and Public Engagement Policy on general public disclosure of general HR matters

2.1. When communicating publicly about HR matters, government will communicate in a way that preserves the presumption of employee innocence and respects privacy and labour relations obligations, while addressing public confidence in the effective administration of government activities.

During and following investigations into employee misconduct, care is used to ensure not to disclose the name of the person or any information that could identify the person being investigated and the consequences, if any, arising from the investigation. Even in circumstances where an employee has engaged in serious misconduct, the employee's or former employee's right to privacy is respected.

2.2. Unless there is an immediate risk to public health, safety or other similar exceptional circumstances, government should not publicly announce that it has referred the conduct of a public servant to the police prior to Crown Counsel approving charges.

2.3. Legal advice must first be sought prior to making any decisions on general public disclosure of personal information in HR matters (should disclosure be authorized under FOIPPA), including employee misconduct. Disclosure should be approved by the head of the public body, in consultation with the deputy minister of Government Communications and Public Engagement (GCPE) or delegate, the deputy minister of the Public Service Agency or delegate and Legal Services Branch.

Personnel Disclosure and Communications (PDF, 122KB)