Paid training

Last updated on February 19, 2025

BC Corrections helps keep British Columbians safe by managing adults who are in custody or under community supervision.

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Your first day of work begins in the classroom with other new officers.

A training officer delivers full-time, hands-on training over your first 33 days of employment.

To attain your correctional officer rank, your intensive basic training is followed by additional course work to be completed while you work as an active officer over the first 18 months of employment.

Exceptional training

The recruit training developed and delivered in partnership with the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) is dynamic and informative, providing new officers with the skills they need to manage offenders in correctional centres.

The training takes place in a correctional centre.

Mentoring program

There's a lot to learn in your first year of employment and some skills need time to develop and practice.

To support your continuous development, you'll be paired with a mentor who will answer questions and give advice and encouragement. Your mentor will be critical in assisting you with your transition into the correctional environment while increasing your confidence.

Training model

  • Week 1: overview of the B.C. government and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General; peace officer status and responsibility and introduction to criminal justice system
  • Week 2: foundations for effective communication with offenders; conflict resolution and crisis intervention skills
  • Week 3: force options to ensure staff manage offenders safely and minimize risk to all
  • Week 4: orientation to the correctional centre; policy, procedures and daily routines and how to manage inmates in a living unit
  • Weeks 5 and 6: practical application of training and orientation to your appointed post supervised by an experienced correctional officer
  • Basic training graduation to 6 months: continue to develop correctional officer competencies. At the completion of the 6 months, officers return to the classroom for additional training
  • 6 to 18 months: officers become proficient, developing competencies and gaining a solid foundation for success. At the end of the program, officers complete advanced training and receive full correctional officer status