Government 101: How Government Works

Last updated on July 15, 2024

What is government?

Government includes a governing party, a seat of government, jurisdiction (or an area that is governed), laws and citizens. In Canada, there are three levels of government:

  • Federal (or national). The Government of Canada is the central level of government in Canada. It provides social services, supports the economy, maintains national defence and security, establishes criminal law, and maintains relationships with Indigenous and international governments
  • Provincial. The B.C. government establishes provincial laws, supports B.C.'s economy, provides public services to support citizens, manages natural resources, and builds working relationships with Indigenous Peoples and other governments
  • Local. Municipalities and regional districts provide community planning, bylaws, and essential local services such as clean water, sewer systems, parks and recreation, and fire protection

How government is formed

General elections in B.C. are scheduled every four years. Elections can happen early if the elected party chooses to have one sooner or if it loses the Legislative Assembly's confidence.

Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) are elected across the province. The Lieutenant Governor invites the political party with the most MLAs to form government. The leader of that party becomes the Premier.

The party with the second highest number of MLAs becomes the official opposition. The opposition, along with MLAs from other parties, hold the governing party accountable by questioning decisions and presenting alternatives.

Roles in the provincial government

The legislative branch makes laws and gives authority to Cabinet. It includes:

The executive branch sets a strategic agenda and oversees day-to-day operations. It includes:

The judicial branch is independent and ensures that government follows the law. Courts can 'unmake' government decisions that violate the Constitution, provincial law, federal law, or common law (e.g. precedents established in past decisions or violating due process). Policy teams must consult closely with legal counsel to ensure the actions that government takes follow the law.

Making decisions

Making decisions is a core part of what government does. Specific people have authority to make decisions. They're given advice and accurate information to inform their decisions.

Decisions take the form of strategies, legislation, regulations, directives, policies or guidance.

Here's an overview of how decisions are made:


The elected party gives strategic direction

Cabinet sets government priorities according to the strategy in their election platform. They also make regulations, appoint officials and provide direction on day-to-day government operations. Here are some current strategies being worked on:

Cabinet gives direction to ministers. When a minister is appointed, they get a mandate letter outlining what they're assigned to work on with help from the public service.


Strategic direction is funded through the budget

Every year, the government announces what it plans to spend money on for the year. Get an overview of the current budget.

The Treasury Board makes sure the budget is created according to the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act.


Public servants turn strategic direction into action and inform how decisions or policies are made

By carrying out government decisions and policies, public servants turn political strategic direction into action.

Based on direction from Cabinet, ministries create their own policies and a service plan – a 3-year plan of ministry goals and objectives. Ministries get funding from the budget to deliver their service plan. Review current ministry service plans.

Each ministry's divisions, branches and teams create work plans that show how they will help the ministry deliver on its commitments.

Employees carry out daily work that aligns with strategic direction. They're encouraged to develop personal career goals around the work they do. Every year, employees review their career goals with their supervisor.

They also influence how government operates by:

  • Providing evidence-based advice and options to decision-makers
  • Implementing policy agenda from political leaders
  • Helping to design, maintain and deliver public programs

Public servants make decisions and policies related to their ministry's mandate. Policy teams conduct research and analysis to provide advice about different options and best practices. Most day-to-day operational policy decisions are made by public servants in leadership roles.


Indigenous people, citizens and other governments inform decision and policy-making

Citizens can report issues or concerns to their local representative (MLA) to have it brought forward for discussion.

The public service is working on government-to-government relationships with Indigenous people.

The public service also connects with individuals, organizations and other governments to gather information about needs and requirements that is then shared when advising leaders.


Ministries propose policy changes to Cabinet

Proposals need to align with government strategic direction. Cabinet decides whether to adopt the changes or not. Cabinet OperationsLog in required facilitates this process.


Public sector organizations get strategic direction from government

Crown corporations and other public sector organizations make policies and decisions based on guidance they get from mandate letters, legislation and the minister or ministry responsible for their organization.

