British Columbia Geological Survey

Last updated on August 19, 2024

The Survey’s mission is to provide accessible geoscience expertise, evolving knowledge, new technology and comprehensive public geoscience data to benefit land use planning and governance, societal development, low carbon innovation, economic opportunity, education services and Indigenous reconciliation in British Columbia.

The Survey creates and disseminates public geoscience information that supports effective mineral exploration, sound land use management, responsible governance and attracts investment.  


Updates on upcoming events and recent publications of the BC Geological Survey.


The Survey's catalogue of publications.
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The Survey's database-driven geospatial web service.
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Bedrock and surficial geology, coal geology, geochemistry, geophysics, natural hazards, educational resources, current projects.

Assessment reports

Assessment report archives and information (ARIS and COALFILE).
Learn more | Search COALFILE | Search ARIS

Mineral inventory

British Columbia's mineral inventory (MINFILE).
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Property file

Previously unpublished private documents acquired in the last 150 years.
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Mineral Development Office

Technical information and expertise about mineral opportunities.

Critical Minerals

The materials needed for a low-carbon future.

About us

Meet our staff and learn about the Survey.

Employment opportunities

Join the British Columbia Geological Survey.