An extra-provincial temporary operating permit (EPTOP) allows a commercial operator from outside British Columbia to transport passengers into British Columbia.
You must have a permit before you operate vehicle(s) for an extra-provincial undertaking originating outside of B.C.
You are eligible to apply for this temporary operating permit if you don't hold a B.C. passenger transportation licence, and you hold:
Your trip into B.C. must be either one of the following:
Back-to-back temporary operating permits on the same trip are not allowed.
If your trip will begin in B.C., or if your trips into B.C. will be frequent and / or over seven days in duration, get annual licensing.
Before entering B.C., contact the Provincial Permit Centre (PPC).
Be prepared to provide verbal confirmation of the following information:
*If you do not have B.C. insurance or your vehicle is not registered with the IRP, the Provincial Permit Centre will issue you a non-resident single commercial vehicle permit (NRSCV) or a non-resident quarterly commercial vehicle permit (NRQCV) for a fee.
Complete the Commercial Vehicle Safety Compliance Declaration (PTR5005B) included in the application package for vehicles with a seating capacity that exceed a driver and 11 passengers.
The fee is $25 / vehicle for a maximum of seven days.
For questions about the Extra Provincial Temporary Operating Permit