Okanagan Valley Corridor Symposium 2011

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Between May and September, 2011, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure conducted a symposium with municipal governments and First Nations to develop a comprehensive vision for the future of transportation in the Okanagan.

Okanagan Valley Corridor Symposium 2011The symposium was made up of several meetings and workshops, which began at the grass-roots level with staff from the local governments and First Nations identifying transportation needs and priorities.

Those ideas were brought forward to a gathering of 48 elected local government officials from the Okanagan Valley. In all, 17 communities, six First Nations and five regional districts were part of the process. Transportation priorities were identified, and a valley-wide consensus was reached. The long-range vision for the Okanagan Valley transportation system includes:

  • A safe, functional and efficient network
  • Fully accessible public and active transportation options within and between communities
  • A coordinated approach to multi-modal and sustainable transportation
  • Protection and preservation of rail and other rights of way for the future
  • Network improvements, assisting in community revitalization and provision of alternate routes

Reports & Presentations

Final Report

Symposium Presentations

Other Materials


Symposium 2011

Okanagan Valley Transportation Symposium Consultation Process

Contact information

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