Disaster Response Routes

Last updated on July 8, 2024

In an emergency, critical seconds can save lives. Disaster response routes are designated for use by emergency personnel during an emergency or disaster situation such as an earthquake.

Transportation networks can be significantly affected during an emergency or disaster.

Establishing traffic control measures and disaster response routes might be necessary to:

  • Save lives, property and infrastructure
  • Maintain the distribution of essential goods and supplies

Disaster response routes are used to expedite movement for official purposes in response to an emergency or disaster. The routes may be chosen at the time of the emergency to fit the situation.

If you find yourself on a disaster response route, exit the route as soon as possible to make way for emergency response personnel. Obey traffic signs and traffic control persons at all times.

Learn how disaster response routes fit into disaster transportation strategies in B.C.

Using Disaster Response Routes

At minimum, the following identification are required to use these routes when activated:

  • Canadian or provincial government issued photo identification (e.g. driver’s licence, BC Services Card, Canadian passport, Protocol Identity Card)
  • Employment identification (e.g. business cards or other identification issued by the employer).

Current Road Conditions

Check media and listen to the radio for updates to find out with routes are open to non-emergency traffic.