Apply for a driving prohibition review

Last updated on February 4, 2025

You can apply for reviews of:

  • 3-, 7-, 30- and 90-day driving prohibitions (including 90-day administrative driving prohibitions)
  • Unlicensed driving prohibitions

You can't apply online for a review of a 24-hour driving prohibition.

To apply online, you must:

  • Have surrendered your licence to police when the Notice of Prohibition was served, and
  • Know your prohibition number and the date it was served

Click below to begin your application. Submit only 1 online application for your prohibition review. If you have already submitted an online application and need to make changes, call RoadSafetyBC’s Appeals Registry at 1-855-387-7747 and select option 5 or by email at

Apply Online

Before you begin

Please be aware that for 3-, 7-, 30- and 90-day prohibitions you have only 7 days from the date your prohibition was served to:

  1. Apply for a review
  2. Pay the review fee in full
  3. Book a date for your review

There is no time limit for applying for a review of an unlicensed driving prohibition.

You must also know your prohibition number and the date it was served. They’re on your Notice of Driving Prohibition.
You can also apply in-person at ICBC, select ServiceBC centres or an appointed agent.

Time limits

For 3-, 7-, 30- and 90-day driving prohibitions, you must apply for a review within 7 days of the date you were served the Notice of Driving Prohibition.

There is no time limit for applying for a review of an unlicensed driving prohibition.

You can also apply in-person at ICBC, select ServiceBC centres or an appointed agent.

What a review is

A review is an administrative justice process that you can use to challenge your prohibition. A RoadSafetyBC adjudicator will review any statements and evidence you and the police provide and consider whether your prohibition should be revoked.

Driving while prohibited

You must not drive while your licence is prohibited. Driving while prohibited is illegal. It carries a minimum fine of $500 for a first offence, a 12-month prohibition and possible imprisonment. Imprisonment is mandatory for a second offence. 

Online application process

You'll receive emails from us during the application process. They confirm steps you've completed and provide instructions for the next step. Some of them include PDF attachments. Be sure you can open them. Review decisions are sent by regular mail.

  1. Submit the Notice of Driving Prohibition Application for Review. We'll let you know if you are eligible for a review (see ‘Time Limits’ section, above).
  2. If you're eligible, we'll email you a link where you can pay your review fee in full online by credit card.
  3. Once you've paid, we'll email you a link to schedule your review.
  4. We'll then email you the police evidence approximately 24 hours after you schedule your review.
  5. We'll also email you a link where you can upload your documents. You can return to this link as many times as you wish to upload more files.

Written statements & evidence

You may submit statements and evidence up until 48 hours before your review. They must be submitted as:

  • .pdf, .doc, .docx, and .txt files
  • .xls, and .xlsx files
  • .png, .jpg and .gif files

No other file types are accepted. We will not accept cloud or Google docs for evidence. If you wish to submit audio/video evidence, refer to the IRP/ADP Review Policies document for more information. 


Page limits for your review submission (IRP & ADP only) *Effective Jan 1, 2025

Effective January 1, 2025, for reviews of IRP or ADPs, your written statement (i.e., the legal arguments) must not be more than 30 pages in total. Information submitted that does not comply with the regulations will not be considered. The page size of the written statement is to be a maximum of 8.5 inches by 11 inches (21.59 cm by 27.94 cm). Your statement can be typed or handwritten.

If your statement is typed, it must:  

  • Be in Times New Roman, Arial or any other similar font that is at least 11 points in size;  
  • Have margins of at least 0.98 inches (2.5cm); and  
  • Have lines that are at minimum, single-spaced. 

There is no maximum page limit applicable to the evidence a review applicant may submit in support of their statement. Evidence is material an applicant submits to support their statement. Some examples of evidence include affidavits, medical documentation, witness statements, maps, photographs, text messages and telephone call logs.

However, if the total submission (i.e., statement and evidence combined) exceeds 30 pages, the statement must be separated from the supporting evidence.

Technical material

RoadSafetyBC adjudicators may rely on the Alco-Sensor FST Operator Manual and Certificates of Analysis in driving prohibition reviews.


You must pay the review fee in full by credit card before we can schedule your review. We cannot accept partial payments.

Prohibition Length Written Review Oral Review
3- and 7-day prohibition $100 Not applicable
30- and 90-day prohibition $100 $200
Unlicensed prohibition $50 Not applicable

Please note: The review application fees shown above do not cover driving prohibition fines.
For more information, please review the IRP/ADP Review Policies.