Limited Entry Hunting online applications

Last updated on August 15, 2024

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Special Mountain Sheep LEH applications

You can submit multiple LEH applications for one Special Sheep hunt by indicating the number of applications in the Number of applications field on the LEH application screen. Your payment will be calculated based on the number of applications you indicate. This is only available for Special Sheep draws.

Making changes to an LEH application

If you've already submitted payment, you can't make changes to your LEH application. If you've not submitted payment, you can go back to any screen and modify the selections that you have made. You can also remove an application from your shopping cart by clicking Remove Application. If you want to permanently remove your application from the draw, you can void it. There are no refunds for voiding an application. To void your LEH application, go to your LEH Application History on your Fish and Wildlife profile. Select the application you wish to void, and click the Void button that appears at the top of the LEH application.

Checking the status of an LEH application

You can review the status of your applications by selecting View LEH History on your Fish & Wildlife ID (FWID) profile page.

To check your LEH results in WILD:

  1. Sign in to WILD using your BCeID. In your Fish & Wildlife ID (FWID) profile, under LEH Options, click on View LEH History. Your Status under LEH Application History will indicate if you were successful.
  2. If you were successful, click on the link under Application Type to confirm which Hunt Code you have been authorized for. You may have won an authorization for your First Choice OR your Second Choice hunt.

As of 2017/18, you are no longer required to carry a paper copy of your LEH authorization.  LEH authorizations are now electronic and will be available in your Fish and Wildlife profile.  You can view or print your LEH authorization by logging into WILD. Paper copies of LEH authorizations will not be mailed to successful applicant.

For shared hunts only, hunters are required to carry a paper Record of Harvest form while hunting.  The Record of Harvest form is on the bottom part of the shared limited entry hunting authorization.  Your shared limited entry hunting authorization is available online in your Fish and Wildlife profile. 

Successful LEH authorizations

After the draw is complete, you can logon to WILD and view your LEH history to find out if you have received an authorization.