Emergency management policies

Last updated on July 11, 2024

The Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness leads the management of emergencies and disasters in British Columbia. We support other authorities within their areas of jurisdiction. 

These policies and procedures help us:

  • Meet service objectives as mandated through emergency management legislation
  • Make equitable and clear decisions
  • Ensure that emergency management activities in B.C. are carried out in a safe and effective manner

See a list of terms and definitions (PDF, 186KB) used in policies.

B.C. emergency management policies
Policy Number Title Category Documents
1.01 Task Report General
1.02 Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Code of Conduct General

Certificate of Appreciation

1.04 Hepatitis B Prevention/Post Exposure Follow-up General
1.05 Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Registration General
1.06 Personal/Commercial Conflict of Interest General

Volunteer Recognition Program

1.08 Application for Training Task Number General
1.09 Disaster Mitigation Program: Eligible Applicants General

Provincial Support for Livestock Relocation During an Emergency

2.02 Task Authorization Operations

Support to Local Authorities when Declaring a State of Local Emergency


Repealed on April 16, 2024

2.04 PEP Air Service Operations
2.05 Red Flashing Light and Siren Permits Operations
2.06  Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Safety Operations

Road and Medical Rescue

2.08 Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) Winter Response Operations


Body Recovery


2.10 Class 'D' Helicopter Rescue*
*contact SAR specialists for application
2.11 Search and Rescue Helicopter Usage Operations

Search and Rescue

2.13 Search and Rescue Night Vision Imaging Systems (Pilot Project) Operations
2.14 Community Navigator and First Nations Community Navigator for Emergency Support Service Operations
2.15 Cultural Activity Location Support Operations
4.01 Emergency Telephone Requirements Logistics
4.02 Provincial Flood Response Assets Logistics
5.01 Task Registration Finance
5.02 Expense Reimbursement Finance
5.03 Evacuee Living Assistance Finance
5.04 Public Safety Lifeline Equipment Repair/Replacement Finance
5.05 PEP Air Invoice (CASARA Expense Claim) Finance
5.06 Volunteer Expense Reimbursement and Allowance Rate Finance
5.07 Workers’ Compensation Coverage Finance
5.08 Liability Coverage Finance
5.09 Disaster Financial Assistance Declaration Finance
5.10 TEAMS Finance and Administration Finance
5.11 Provincial support for deploying 'Out of Jurisdiction' First Nations and local authority staff to an emergency operations centre (EOC) Logistics
5.12 Construction of Temporary Berms and Dikes Finance
5.13 Pandemic Response Task Eligibility for First Nations and Local Government Finance

Repealed July 2024

5.14 Extreme Weather Emergency Task Number Eligibility Finance


Policy under development




Policy under development


5.17 Out-of-Jurisdiction Rescue Reimbursement Finance