Mining dataset descriptions and download

Last updated on November 27, 2024

Datasets maintained and published by mineral titles GIS staff are available for preview and download from the BC Data Catalogue

Datasets specific to the Mineral Titles Online application


Mineral, placer and coal titles

Current titlesMineral Titles Online - Spatial View of the current titles, including ownership information

Historical titlesMineral Titles Online -  Spatial View of the historical mineral, placer and coal title spatial information


Linkages to mineral, placer, coal title

Client - Tenure cross-reference table - Mineral Titles Online -  A cross-reference attribute table to MTA - Mineral, Placer and Coal tenure SVW dataset that stores client numbers and their associated mineral, placer and coal title numbers including one-many (one title-many owners) relationships

Client contact cross-reference table - Mineral Titles Online - Attribute table of public contact information for mineral titles clients


Mineral, placer and coal grids

Mineral and placer gridMineral Titles Online - Spatial representation of the cell grid system used to acquire mineral and placer titles

Coal mapsheet -  Spatial representation of mapsheets for the coal grid. Mapsheets are the coarsest component of the grid and approximate 1:250,000 NTS map sheets

Coal group -  Spatial representation of groups for the coal grid. Groups are the second coarsest level of the Coal Grid and approximate 1:50,000 NTS map sheets

Coal block -  Spatial representation of blocks for the coal grid. Blocks are the second finest level of the coal grid. A block consists of 100 units divided into 10 rows by 10 columns. There are also 12 blocks in a group, comprising 3 rows by 4 columns and labelled A to L

Coal unit -  Spatial representation of a unit for the coal grid. A unit is the base building block for creating the Coal Grid. In a block there are 100 units, 10 rows by 10 columns, and numbered consecutively, starting in the southeast corner. The units are numbered 1 to 10, 11 - 20 etc. always reading from right to left


Mineral reserves and coal land reserves 

Current reserves (Sites) - Mineral Titles Online - A spatial view of areas within the province of British Columbia where mineral, placer and coal titles are restricted and placer titles are permitted

Historical reserves (Sites) - Mineral Titles Online - Spatial representation of historical view of the reserve layer


Datasets for permitting


Permitted mine areas

Major mine permitted mine areas -  Spatial representation of areas where mining activity has been approved and a permit has been issued under the Mines Act. Note: review the metadata as this dataset is incomplete.

Regional mine notice of work / permitted mine areas - Spatial representation of areas where mining activity has been approved and a permit has been issued under the Mines Act. Note: review the metadata as this dataset is incomplete.

* terminology for major mine and regional mine


Notice of Work (NOW) spatial locations

Notice of Work - Spatial representation of a point location of proposed exploration work to be done at a prospective mine site and permitted site locations. 

Regional mine notice of work / permitted mine areas - Polygon spatial representation of areas where mining activity has been approved and a permit has been issued under the Mines Act. Note: review the metadata as this dataset is incomplete.


Gravel pits/quarries - additional data

In addition to our mines datasets listed, users may wish to consider the following data for identifying gravel pits/quarries.

  • Gravel Pits, Ministry of Transportation and Transit
    • Contact the Engineering Services Branch/Aggregates group
  • Forest Service Road Dedications and Gravel Pits, Ministry of Forests
  • Gravel Pits, Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship 
    • data catalogue record: Tantalis - Crown Tenures 
    • query TENURE_PURPOSE = 'QUARRYING', all tenures approved and in application

Other mining datasets of interest 


Crown granted 2 post mineral claims

Crown grants - Spatial representation of crown granted mineral claims issued between 1874 to 1957.


Elk Valley water quality plan

Elk Valley area based management plan -  Spatial representation of the Elk Valley Area Based Management Plan (ABMP) - “Elk Valley Water Quality Plan” was developed according to Ministerial Order No. 113 to remediate water quality effects of past coal mining and to guide future development


Freehold coal

Zipfile for download: Freehold Coal PUBLIC Distribution May-September

Mineral Titles, in conjunction with GeoBC, has created a spatial layer depicting areas of possible freehold (private) coal rights to provide coal clients with a starting point for their own research and possible submission of a coal licence application.  Further research using Tantalis GATOR may be necessary to provide certainty and completeness of your coal licence application. 

The information is collected when a land status for coal rights is conducted for a given area; therefore, the information is current at that time. As the information provided is a determination of the status of coal rights at that given moment, it is subject to change. The information contained in this file is only updated if there is a reason to re-assess the area.

For areas where no information exists, do not assume that coal rights are available. It may be the area has not yet been researched.



Mining divisions 

Historic mining divisions - Spatial representation of administrative areas for historic mining divisions once used in the Province of British Columbia. This information is still required for ARIS report submissions


Mining regions

Mining regions - Spatial representation of the 5 Mining regions for the Ministry.  These administrative boundaries are derived from the 8 Natural Resource Regions and used with a Notice of Work submission and permitting authorizations


Regional coal agreements

First Nation regional coal agreements - Spatial representation of agreements signed by the Province and Halfway River First Nation, Saulteau First Nations, and West Moberly First Nations providing  a strategic approach when considering coal resource development in the northeast of BC.