There’s never been a better time to Buy BC and support local growers, producers and the food we love right here in BC.
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There’s never been a better time to Buy BC and support local growers, producers and the food we love right here in BC.
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DataBC encourages and enables the strategic management and sharing of data across the government enterprise and with the public. It is responsible for the BC Data Catalogue, the Open Data Policy and associated products and services.
Access to trusted, high quality data is essential for the success of British Columbia - expressed in effective government decision making, a robust economy, and improved well-being for all of its citizens.
The BC Data Catalogue provides the easiest access to government's data holdings, as well as applications and web services. Thousands of the datasets discoverable in the Catalogue are available under the Open Government License - British Columbia.
The province's area, varied topography and predominantly natural resource based economy has positioned B.C. as a leader in geographic information management and generates a wealth of geographic information that is discoverable in the BC Data Catalogue. DataBC provides access to this information through a suite of unique applications and services that comprise the B.C. Spatial Data Infrastructure.