Mining incident reporting and information

Last updated on December 6, 2024

The Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in B.C. requires mines to report incidents that result in, or had the potential to result in, serious injury, illness, or loss of life.

The office of the chief inspector of mines publishes weekly mine incident reports, hazard alerts, health and safety notices and incident information to communicate potentially hazardous issues related to mining activity in B.C. 

On this page

Reporting requirements

Mines are responsible for meeting any other overlapping reporting requirements from other jurisdictions. 

Mine incident reporting

To ensure consistent regulatory oversight and to improve overall mine safety, the ministry has implemented a centralized mine incident reporting system with a toll-free Mine Incident Reporting Line/Email, available 24/7.

More on Mine incident reporting, reportable incidents guidance, and Weekly incident summary reports.

Medical aid reporting

Pursuant to Section 1.9.2 of the Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in B.C., mine managers must provide a monthly report to the ministry detailing any incidents where workers sought medical aid. The ministry developed the Monthly Medical Aid Report Guide to provide mines with the relevant information required to submit monthly medical aid reports.

WorkSafeBC reporting requirements

Mines in B.C. have reporting requirements to WorkSafeBC when occupational injury or illness occur.

More on WorkSafeBC reporting requirements

Alerts and notices

Hazard alerts

Hazard alerts provide useful recommendations, regulatory reminders and mitigation strategies for reducing the risk of specific hazards that are associated with serious incidents that occurred at B.C. mines.

More on Hazard alerts

Health and safety notices

Health and safety notices are a proactive warning and share safety-related information with the B.C. mining industry by identifying potential hazards and providing recommendations and regulatory reminders to keep workers safe.

More on Health and safety notices

Ministry incident investigations

The ministry has published summaries of past incidents on mines in B.C. .

More on Past incident information