Silviculture Treatments for Ecosystem Management in the Sayward (STEMS) is a large-scale, multi-disciplinary experiment that compares forest productivity, economics, and public perception of seven silvicultural systems or extended rotation treatments, replicated at three sites in the Sayward Forest on Vancouver Island.
The overall goals of the STEMS experiment are, within mature second-growth Douglas-fir or western hemlock stands:
The results of this experiment will be used to improve forest management and policies because results can be directly interpreted operationally due to the large-scale, replicated experimental design. The information will be especially relevant for ecosystem management of forests with multiple objectives.
Silvicultural systems are defined as planned programs of silviculture treatments designed to achieve specific stand structure objectives during the entire life of the stand. The STEMS experiment uses silvicultural systems and extended rotation treatments to create diversity in forest structure that results in a variety of canopy layers (vertical structure) and spatial patchiness (horizontal structure) to enhance biodiversity and wildlife.
The seven different silvicultural systems and extended rotation treatments include:
These silvicultural systems create a range of gap sizes and frequencies that emulate natural variation in forest structure. This is consistent with the goals of ecosystem management, which are to sustain diversity in the structure, composition, and function of entire ecosystesm.
There are three replications of the STEMS experiment located in the Sayward Landscape Unit of the Campbell River Natural Resource District on Vancouver Island, B.C:
STEMS was established as a replication of the Silvicultural Options for Harvesting Young-Growth Production Forests in the Capitol Forest near Olympia, Washington.