Extended rotation (uncut control)

Last updated on September 3, 2024

Extended rotation is not a silvicultural system, but in this experiment, it provides baseline data for comparing silvicultural systems. The management objective for the area is to leave the forest undisturbed and to observe the natural processes of tree growth and mortality over the next 80 years. At that time, many of the trees will be 140 years old and may exhibit some old-growth attributes that will enhance biodiversity, wildlife habitat, and aesthetic values.

For photos of extended rotation see Tour stop 2.

At the time of the establishment:

extended rotation at the time of the establishment of the STEMS experiment

After 30 years:

extended rotation after 30 years

View of the extended rotation treatment: 

view of the extended rotation treatment

Summary description of key features

Silvicultural system: Extended Rotation – Uncut Control
Treatment unit size: 12ha
Opening size: 0ha
Deferred areas: Entire area to be deferred from harvest for 80 years
Retention structures objective: 3ha of adjacent wildlife tree patches
Age structure: Even-aged