Fuel Price Adjustment

Last updated on July 4, 2024

What is the Fuel Price Adjustment?

Hourly rates paid for hired equipment are adjusted monthly to ensure fairness and to reflect the potential volatility of fuel pricing in today’s global economy. The adjustment is not intended to compensate for provincial policy related to the Carbon Tax which has specific carbon reduction objectives. 

The fuel adjustment will be posted within 5 days of the beginning of each month. The calculation is based on the difference in the average price of fuel in the previous month tracked by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and the base price established in September 2009. 

  • On-Road Equipment (highway-licensed vehicles) are calculated at an average of 15 L / hour (e.g. gravel trucks)
  • Off-Road Equipment (not licensable for highway use, such as excavators) are calculated at an average of 35 L / hour
TABLE 1 – Fuel Price Adjustment On-Road 

Current Price
June 2024 Average (Based on current NRCan data for diesel) 

 $1.76   $1.76
Base Price
Oct 1 2009 net of Carbon Tax (4.04)
  $0.94   $0.94
BC Carbon Tax [April 1, 2024 = $0.21]   $0.21   $0.21
Change in Cents [Current Price - Base Price - Carbon Tax]   $0.61   $0.61
Fixed Fuel Consumption (L / hour)  15 L/hour 35 L/hour 
July 2024  $9.15/hour  $21.35/hour



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