BC Codes

Last updated on March 18, 2025

Provincial codes guide building construction and renovation in British Columbia

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About the BC Building Code

The BC Building Code, which includes the BC Plumbing Codes, regulates how new construction, building alterations, repairs and demolitions are done in BC. This code sets minimum requirements for safety, health, accessibility, fire and structural protection of buildings and energy and water efficiency. 


Where does the BC Building Code apply?

The BC Building Code applies to all buildings in B.C. except for


What does BC Building Code apply to?

The most recent BC Building Code applies to buildings

  • That are constructed (new buildings)
  • That are altered or renovated
  • Where the use or occupancy changes
  • Where components or parts of a building are replaced

Does the BC Building Code apply to existing buildings?

If there has not been any changes to an existing building, it should meet the requirements of the BC Building Code that was in place when the building was constructed.  

For example, if a building was constructed when the BC Building Code 2012 was in effect, it doesn't need to be upgraded to meet the requirements of the BC Building Code 2018.

The current BC Building Code does apply if an existing building

  • Is altered or renovated
  • Has a change to its use or occupancy
  • Has components replaced

Does the BC Building Code apply to temporary buildings?

Temporary buildings might not need to meet the BC Building Requirements. Contact your local government for temporary building requirements (external link).


What if I need more information about a code provision?

You can learn more about many code provisions on our website:


How can I find out more about BC Codes 2024?

Learn more about the BC Codes 2024 on our webpage.


When will the next edition of the BC Codes be available?

The BC Codes 2024 is based on the National Construction Codes 2020, which were released on March 28, 2022. The Construction Codes Reconciliation Agreement commits signers to bring these codes into effect within 24 months from release. BC Codes 2024 take effect March 8, 2024. Earthquake and one in five adaptable dwelling unit requirements are effective March 10, 2025.


About the BC Plumbing Code

The BC Plumbing Code is a part of the BC Building Code that provides minimum requirements for plumbing installations in buildings to protect health and safety. It is also known as Book II (Plumbing Systems).

About the BC Fire Code

The BC Fire Code is a provincial regulation on fire safety for existing buildings and facilities and includes requirements for when a building is under construction. The Office of the Fire Commissioner is the leader of fire safety awareness and prevention in BC and is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the BC Fire Code.

The Office of the Fire Commissioner website has more information about fire safety and education guidelines, bulletins and position papers. There you will also find a page that addresses Fire Safety for Construction and Demolition Sites.

Find out more about the BC Codes


How are the codes developed?

Codes in BC are based on the National Codes of Canada (external link) from Codes Canada, but some changes are made to address specific needs for BC.

The model National Codes are developed through a consensus-based committee process with representation from all provinces and territories, related industries and the public. BC participates in the national code development system.


How are the codes enforced?

Local governments have authority to enforce the BC Codes. Check with your local government's building department for info about code enforcement or building permits.

Look up local government contact information (external link)


How are the codes organized?

Each code is organized into three sections

  • Division A:
    • Outlines the main objectives and functional statements for technical building requirements
    • Explains why a requirement must be met and how to evaluate other ways to meet the acceptable requirements through alternative solutions
  • Division B:
    • Outlines Code provisions or acceptable solutions and notes the specific objectives and functional statements used to explain the purpose of each provision
  • Division C:
    • Outlines administrative requirements under the code such as providing guidance for alternative solutions to the code

How can I get involved with code development?

To participate in or submit a code change request to the national code development system, please visit the National Research Council of Canada (external link).

The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes maintains archives of past national public review documents (external link).

BC-specific code changes are open to public review before they are finalized. Information about current or recent BC reviews are found on our Public Review page.