Separation of excreta

Last updated on March 19, 2025

Agriculture producers can receive compensation due to wildlife damage to some harvested and unharvested crops by enrolling in the Agriculture Wildlife Program.

You may qualify for compensation if you have incurred separation costs due to excreta contamination (as per the Canadian Grain Commission Standard) caused by wildlife in harvested crops.

Only losses caused by the following designated wildlife, which are not held in captivity will be considered:

  • Bison
  • Bear
  • Cranes
  • Deer
  • Elk
  • Moose
  • Mountain sheep
  • Waterfowl


All commercially grown grains, fine seeds, oilseeds and pulse crops that are covered under crop insurance are eligible for compensation. Contact us for more information on eligible crops.

Agriculture producers must store any excreta contaminated crop separately to minimize contamination.

Crops are not eligible when:

  • Used for seed production and seed sales
  • Separated seed is for “on-farm” use
  • Grown on land that is uninsurable for production insurance
  • Seeded too late to expect a normal yield
  • On grazing land or native pasture
  • Damaged by wildlife other than designated wildlife
  • Livestock have entered the fields before harvest
  • Harvested and left exposed to wildlife damage due to management practices
  • Used for lure crops or intercept feeding
  • It is straw or other by-products
  • Damage has occurred after harvest (for example, outdoor storage piles)
  • Swathed for grazing
  • They are wild or volunteer crops
  • There is no evidence supporting that excreta contamination existed prior to being harvested
  • It needs to be cleaned for reasons other than wildlife excreta


Please keep in mind:

  • Compensation is available to a maximum of 80% of the verified cleaning costs due to excreta contamination, based on approved cleaning/separation rates
  • The minimum verified loss for payment eligibility is $1000 with the forage value based upon crop insurance insurable values
  • A minimum 10% visual plant loss must have occurred for an adjustment to be considered

Rates are reviewed annually. An approved note of rejection and original cleaning/separation receipts must be provided before any payments will be processed.

Compensation payments will be based on current year’s production.

SCAP | Province of British Columbia | Government of Canada


Contact information

Contact your local office for advice and information about crop loss and damage due to wildlife.