Domestic market development

Last updated on September 19, 2024

B.C.’s agriculture, food and seafood industry is the most diverse in Canada and it is growing. Our agrifoods businesses produce more than 200 agriculture commodities, 100 seafood species and over 1500 companies produce processed food products. There are many options for selling and marketing these products within British Columbia.

Building connections with other agrifoods businesses and organizations can open up new marketing opportunities. Check out the resources to the right, to start building connections.

Planning your marketing

Marketing is vital to the overall success of a business. Having a plan to sell agrifoods or seafood products is important.  

There are several programs that may help B.C. agrifoods producers and processors identify opportunities:

Marketing guides

Marketing can help secure sales, generate profits and grow your business. These marketing how-to guides provide tips and best practices for B.C. agrifood and seafood businesses to expand marketing knowledge. Learn how to use market research, improve your sales pitch, sell your product to retailers and develop an e-commerce plan.

Market intelligence and statistics

B.C. Agrifood and Seafood Domestic Consumption Study

A comprehensive domestic consumption study compiled in 2018 by government and BC Stats provides information from interviews with over 2,900 British Columbians across the province.

The study presents regional profiles of key consumer groups which are more inclined to purchase local food and the motivations behind these behaviours. The information is presented in a practical format to support the ability of farmers, producers and processors to easily identify opportunities and make more informed marketing decisions.

The report is provided through the government's Grow BC, Feed BC and Buy BC initiatives, aimed at building the local market and encouraging British Columbians to purchase local foods.


Market intelligence provides B.C. based agrifoods businesses with current and timely information about the domestic market.  The B.C. government provides analysis and reports on B.C. agrifoods markets.

Funding opportunities

Programs are available to support the agriculture and agrifood industry:

Grow BC, Feed BC, Buy BC
The GROW BC, FEED BC, and BUY BC initiatives will strengthen B.C.’s agrifood and seafood sector and expand the domestic market for B.C. food and beverage products.

Contact information

Contact us for more information about domestic agrifoods marketing.