Plan W – information for health professionals

Last updated on March 17, 2025

First Nations Health Authority and Plan W: An introduction

The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) was created in 2013 to transform how healthcare is delivered to First Nations people living in B.C. At that time, FNHA assumed responsibility for programs and services previously delivered by Health Canada. The FNHA serves over 200 diverse First Nations communities and their members.

In 2017, the FNHA and PharmaCare collaborated to create Plan W; the project transitioned the administration of pharmacy benefits from federal programs to a First Nations–owned PharmaCare plan: Plan W. The W stands for Wellness.

The unique governance structure of FNHA and the partnership with PharmaCare enabled Plan W to be designed to meet the unique needs of First Nations people in B.C., allowing for the deconstruction of distinct, race-based benefits pathways.

Health equity through Plan W

First Nations people in B.C. experience disparities in health outcomes due to ongoing impacts of colonialism. Plan W is uniquely designed to provide First Nations in B.C. with access to medications and pharmacy services to close these gaps.  

When healthcare providers support FNHA clients with accessing the Plan W benefits they need to achieve their wellness,  they contribute to a healthcare environment that is inclusive, respectful, and that actively nurtures the self-determination and well-being of First Nations people. This environment fosters trust and healing that strengthens relational care — the intentional caring relationship between healthcare professionals and the people they serve — and honours First Nations perspectives of health and wellness.    

Cultural safety and humility 

PharmaCare counts on healthcare professionals to practise cultural humility and create an environment free of racism, as mandated by the Indigenous Cultural Safety, Cultural Humility and Anti-Racism Practice Standard (Health Professions Act – Bylaws, Schedule F, Part 7). This is a responsibility of each individual provider and includes providing covered medications, supplies, and pharmacy services as well as continuous learning and unlearning through reflection on how to interact with clients and uphold their best interests.    

To support their journey towards providing care that is considered safe, healthcare professionals can:

PharmaCare coverage 

Plan W is the first payer of eligible pharmacy benefits, has no deductible, and covers 100 percent of the cost of eligible prescription medications, as well as select over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and non-drug items for FNHA clients.   

FNHA clients also access coverage for benefits and services through other programs: 

  • Automatic PharmaCare coverage for additional drugs under Plan Z (Assurance) and pharmacy services (adaptations, vaccinations, minor ailment and contraception assessments, medication reviews, etc.)

  • Coverage for drugs granted through Special Authority (SA)

    • The FNHA transitional payment request process may be used to provide FNHA clients limited overage drugs at no cost when an SA request is pending and expected to be approved. This is based on a pharmacist's professional judgement, to support health care equity 

  • PHSA’s specialized health care services (BC Cancer, BC Transplant, BC Renal, BCCfE and others) through the same mechanisms as other B.C. residents

  • Additional health benefits through FNHA's partnership with Pacific Blue Cross

Confirming eligibility and supporting enrolment

First Nations individuals in B.C must be enrolled with FNHA to be covered by Plan W. To be eligible for FNHA enrolment, individuals must have Indian Status and live in B.C. 

Pharmacists and other healthcare providers are encouraged to ask First Nations individuals if they are enrolled with FNHA or have other means of coverage. Note that some First Nations individuals do not qualify for FNHA enrolment because they have coverage through self-government agreements.

Understanding Indian Status

While Indian Status is the legal standing of a person who is registered under the Indian Act, the term "First Nation” has largely replaced the term "Indian" in common language, due to the term "Indian" being rooted in colonialism and racism. That said, the best term to use is the one that the client you are providing care to prefers.   

While Status Cards do require renewal, healthcare providers should recognize that Indian Status does not expire and First Nations individuals retain their benefits and rights even if the renewal date on their Status Card has passed.

In addition to FNHA enrolment, clients must have active MSP coverage to enrol in Plan W. It is very important that clients enrol in Plan W so they have the best available access to benefits. If a client may be eligible for Plan W and is currently not covered, pharmacists and other health providers should contact FNHA Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454.

Through the transitional payment request, pharmacy providers are reimbursed for supporting clients with enrolment and providing medications at no cost to the client when the client is in the process of being enrolled with FNHA and does not have other means of coverage.  


Enabling Plan W coverage for First Nations infants and other individuals without coverage

First Nations infants up to 24 months are eligible for First Nations Health Benefits, including Plan W coverage, under an eligible parent or guardian’s Status Number: 

  • FNHA’s Health Benefits department can link the infant’s Personal Health Number (PHN) to the parent or guardian’s Status Number, enabling coverage until up to the infant’s second birthday

  • Indian Status registration can take time. Healthcare providers should advise parents and guardians to start Status registration for their infant immediately after birth to avoid disruptions in coverage after the child’s second birthday

Healthcare providers supporting First Nations clients who otherwise may be eligible but are not currently covered by Plan W should advise the client to contact FNHA Health Benefits to confirm enrolment. Enrolment confirmation is particularly important for those who recently moved to B.C., got married or divorced, or turned 19.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications 

Plan W OTC drug benefits are intended to support individuals in meeting their health and wellness goals. Products on the Plan W OTC drug list are eligible for 100% coverage under Plan W when the claims are entered into PharmaNet subsequent to: 

  • A prescription from a practitioner (i.e., physician, nurse practitioner, midwife)  

Supporting FNHA clients with accessing covered OTC drugs is considered a component of equitable and culturally safe pharmacy care. Should a pharmacist decide to not recommend and/or provide a covered OTC drug, they should discuss the therapeutic options available to the client and refer as appropriate.   

Eligible OTC drug claims should be fully covered, including the cost of a dispensing fee. In the event that an eligible, non-LCA or full-benefit LCA DIN is not 100 percent covered for an FNHA client, please call the PharmaCare Help Desk for a review of the price discrepancy. Pharmacy providers can then use the transitional payment request when a price discrepancy for a benefit OTC item prevents timely provision of a fully covered OTC drug.

Non-drug OTC items and medical supplies 

Specific non-drug OTC items are covered uniquely under Plan W at their retail price up to a maximum set by FNHA, with no dispensing fee. Pharmacies should not charge FNHA clients and instead enter claims into PharmaNet for the following: 

  • Lancets 

  • Blood and urine ketone strips 

  • Alcohol wipes/pads 

  • Inhaler spacers 

  • Needles and syringes (not restricted to those for insulin injection) 

FNHA clients are also covered for the following medical supplies and equipment: 

  • Blood glucose test strips (BGTS) – annual quantity limits apply. Providers can support FNHA clients newly diagnosed with diabetes by calling FNHA to activate coverage for the first fill of covered BGTS. For issues concerning coverage of BGTS for Plan W clients, contact the First Nations Health Benefits team at 1-855-550-5454

  • Ostomy supplies for people who have undergone ostomy surgery and need an external pouch

Some supplies and equipment are covered only under specific circumstances. A Special Authority request must be approved for the following items to be fully covered under Plan W: 

FNHA-Pacific Blue Cross Pharmacy Fee Supplement 

The FNHA has partnered with Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) to administer additional health benefits. The FNHA-PBC Pharmacy Fee Supplement lists a variety of drug and non-drug products to support unique FNHA wellness initiatives, including: 

  • Shingles vaccine for people 60 years or older and available through exceptional request for people under 60 years 

  • Infant formula 

  • Select prescription drugs 

  • Select medical supplies and equipment 

To submit claims to PBC, a FNHA client’s Status Card operates as their identification card. Eligible claims for FNHA clients can be submitted directly through pharmacy software to PBC as follows: 

Carrier ID: E1 

FNHA Group ID: 40000 

FNHA Client ID: 10-digit Status Number (for infants under 24 months not yet registered with FNHA, use eligible guardian’s Status Number)

Pharmacy providers should refer to the FNHA-PBC Pharmacy Fee Supplement for further details on covered items, predetermination requirements, and claiming criteria.  

Supporting FNHA clients before and during out-of-province travel  

Plan W cannot automatically cover drug purchases made outside the province. B.C. pharmacists are expected to support clients with getting the full amount of medication covered under PharmaCare's Travel Supply Policy 

If FNHA clients must purchase medication in another province, they can send an Out-of-Province Claim (PDF, 91.7KB) to PharmaCare with the original pharmacy receipt for it to be considered for reimbursement. Some pharmacies on the border, just outside, of B.C. are enrolled in BC PharmaCare and can submit a paper claim to PharmaCare on a client's behalf. 

Transitional payment request 

FNHA aims to support clients with access to continuity of ongoing therapy and immediate coverage of acutely needed items. The transitional payment request is a manual claim process for coverage of a one-time fill of an urgently needed product in cases of a coverage issue that is expected to be resolved soon, such as situations where a client's FNHA enrolment or Special Authority coverage request is pending.

The healthcare provider should provide the client with the product at no cost and bill FNHA using the FNHA Transitional Payment Request form (PDF, 201KB). The completed form, along with supporting documentation, should be faxed to FNHA at 1-888-299-9222.  

FNHA will reimburse pharmacists a $10 service fee for supporting the client in addition to the usual maximum drug cost and dispensing fee. The form can also be used to request transitional coverage for medical supplies and equipment that are urgent and eligible for coverage. The PIN 36420005 – TCR payment will show on the pharmacy payment statement from Pacific Blue Cross. 

If an FNHA client does not have Plan W as their primary drug plan, the pharmacist can support the client by submitting a transitional payment request with the client’s PHN, Status Number, DOB and contact information, indicating that the client requires Plan W enrolment. In this scenario, FNHA will reimburse pharmacists a $10 service fee. The PIN 36420006 – MSP enrolment payment will show on the pharmacy payment statement from Pacific Blue Cross. 

FNHA appeals process 

FNHA clients who have been denied coverage for an item or service have the right to appeal the decision up to 12 months afterwards. The FNHA’s appeals process considers the client’s unique circumstances, in addition to other available treatment options. Appeals can be submitted by the client, their parent or guardian, or a representative (including a pharmacist, with the client’s consent). For more information, visit FNHA Health Benefits Appeals.

For support:

Healthcare professionals supporting FNHA clients with questions related to PharmaCare and PharmaNet should contact the PharmaCare Help Desk.

Healthcare professionals with FNHA-specific questions (e.g., eligibility/enrolment, FNHA-PBC Pharmacy Fee Supplement, transitional payment requests, appeals) should contact FNHA Health Benefits. 

  • Call (toll-free) 1-855-550-5454 
  • Fax 1-888-2999-9222