5.24 Drug Shortages

Last updated on May 8, 2024

General description

PharmaCare may decide to cover an alternative drug when a benefit is in short supply. When a shortage ends, the alternative product returns to its former benefit status.

Policy details

Drug shortages occur when a manufacturer or distributor cannot supply enough of a drug to fill prescriptions. This could be due to manufacturing disruptions, shipping delays, shortages of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, sudden increases in demand, product discontinuations, and/or other factors.

PharmaCare may cover an alternative drug when a benefit is in short supply. Coverage for the alternative drug is often the same as for the drug in short supply – i.e., covered under the same plan(s), with the same Special Authority requirements.

Sometimes the alternative is a foreign-labelled product. In this case, PharmaCare assigns a PIN, as the drug will not have a DIN.

PharmaCare may cover a compounded drug as the alternative drug, on a last-resort basis.

If PharmaCare is not covering an alternative drug to mitigate a shortage

PharmaCare often covers several versions of a drug. If one supplier’s version runs short, prescribers and pharmacists can consult the Low Cost Alternative program for another version.

If an adaptation is not possible, patients may need to discuss a different treatment with a health care provider.

Where to find BC PharmaCare drug shortages information, including covered alternatives

PharmaCare’s Drug shortages web page contains essential information about drug shortages, including covered alternatives.
