Information for autism service providers

Last updated on March 17, 2025

The Registry of Autism Service Providers (RASP) is designed to ensure that parents of children with autism under the age of six have access to service providers qualified to provide early intervention.

Professionals listed on RASP include:

  • Behaviour Consultants and Analysts (Category A and B)
  • Speech Language Pathologists (Non-Supervised and Supervised)
  • Occupational Therapists (Non-Supervised and Supervised)
  • Physical Therapists

On this page

Apply to be on the RASP

To be on the RASP, you must apply to become a RASP professional.

Apply to become a RASP professional

To become a RASP professional, you must meet the application requirements for your professional category.

Application requirements


Behaviour Consultants – Category A (Non-supervised)

Certification or degree

You must be a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA), or a person who has completed a Bachelor’s and Master’s or Doctoral degree from an accredited post-secondary institution. Ideally, the degrees will be in one of the following subjects:

  • Special Education
  • Educational Psychology
  • Psychology
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) from an accredited postsecondary institution

Additional courses

You must have at minimum the following:

  • A graduate level university course in Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • A third or fourth year undergraduate course in autism

Work experience

You must provide proof (documentation) that you at least have one of the following:

  • Two years (minimum) of formal supervised direct child experience in the case of a Master’s level graduate
  • One year of formal supervised direct child experience in the case of a Ph.D.
  • Extensive clinical experience in developing and providing intensive intervention programs based on Applied Behaviour Analysis directly to children diagnosed with Autism under the age of six

​This should include proof of direct experience with at least eight children in the following areas:

  • Designing and implementing individualized behaviour intervention plans under the supervision of someone who already meets Category A criteria
  • Assessing the child’s skill level and training team members to teach the child skills in the domains of communication, socialization, play, self-care, and academics
  • Analyzing and interpreting data
  • Designing ABA-based support plans to address challenging behaviour
  • Conducting functional behaviour assessments
  • Providing ongoing supervision and support to team members who are implementing the plan of intervention


  1. Current resume (including details of autism-specific employment and academic experience)
  2. Criminal record check – See Complete a criminal record check
  3. BCBA Certificate (if applicable)
  4. Supervision Records – Supervision Record Template (PDF, 226KB) 
  5. Transcripts
    • Bachelor's / Master's / Ph.D.
    • ABA Course
    • Autism Course

Transcripts from must be sent directly from your educational institution to RASP ( International transcripts and a Canadian Equivalency Summary must be sent directly through the World Education Services (WES) website to RASP (



Behaviour Consultants – Category B (Supervised)

Certification or degree

You must be a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA), or a person who has, at minimum, a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited post-secondary institution. Ideally, the degree will be in one of the following disciplines:

  • Psychology
  • Education
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis

Additional courses

You must have (both):

  • A third or fourth year undergraduate course in Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • A third or fourth year undergraduate course in autism

Work experience

You must have:

  • At least three years of documented experience as a behaviour interventionist with at least six children under age six. This experience must be under the supervision of an individual qualified in Category A
  • At least one year of experience in a “senior interventionist” or supervisory role, assisting in:
    • Training and supervising other interventionists
    • Analyzing data
    • Monitoring and adjusting programs
    • Conducting functional behaviour assessments under the direction of an individual qualified in Category A


You must have a letter written by a supervising Category A Behaviour Consultant, signifying that you have ongoing direct clinical supervision from them.

The supervising consultant must take responsibility for behaviour plans and invoices and sign each one.


  1. Current resume
  2. Criminal record check – See Complete a criminal record check
  3. BCBA Certificate (if applicable)
  4. Supervision Records – Supervision Record Template (PDF, 224KB)
  5. Supervision Verification Letter – Supervision Verification Letter Template (PDF, 90KB)
  6. Transcripts
    • Bachelor's / Master's / Ph.D.
    • ABA Course
    • Autism Course

Transcripts from must be sent directly from your educational institution to RASP ( International transcripts and a Canadian Equivalency Summary must be sent directly through the World Education Services (WES) website to RASP (



Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists (Non-supervised)


You must have and maintain through service provision a current full registration with the College of Health and Care Professionals.


You must have one of the following:

  • A minimum of one year’s work experience with at least three children with an Autism diagnosis under the age of six. You must also have a reference from a supervisor or fellow professional documenting this experience
  • If supervised on the RASP, a completed supervision record

If you don't meet the experience criteria, you may work with a supervisor as a Supervised Speech Language Pathologist or Supervised Occupational Therapist until they can provide a Supervision Verification Record (CF0910). A Letter from the Supervisor, who must qualify for the RASP, must accompany this application.

Professional development

You must demonstrate professional development in the form of courses or workshops in the area of autism intervention over the last two years.


  1. Current resume
  2. College membership certificate
  3. Proof of autism related professional development in the form of certificates, receipts, or both
  4. Supervision verification letter, if applicable:
  5. Experience Record – Experience Record Letter Template (PDF, 232KB)



Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists (Supervised)


You must have and maintain, through service provision, a current full registration with the College of Health and Care Professionals.

Professional development

You must demonstrate professional development in the form of courses or workshops in the area of autism intervention over the last two years.


Speech-language pathologists currently on the RASP are eligible to supervise. Other speech-language pathologists who provide service to children under six with autism through the public system may apply to be a supervisor. For more information, see RASP Supervised Categories.


  1. Current resume
  2. College membership certificate
  3. Proof of autism related professional development in the form of certificates, receipts, or both
  4. Supervision verification letter:



Physical Therapists (Non-supervised)


You must have and maintain through service provision a current full registration with the College of Health and Care Professionals.

Work experience

You must have a minimum of one year’s work experience with at least three children with an Autism diagnosis under the age of six is. You must also obtain a reference form from a supervisor or fellow professional documenting this experience.

Professional development

Professional development must be

  • From the past two years
  • Autism intervention related
  • Acquired through courses, workshops, or both

Special consideration and interim approval may be given to practitioners who:

  • Work in underserviced areas
  • Don't fully meet the criteria


  1. Current resume
  2. College membership certificate
  3. Proof of autism related professional development in the form of certificates, receipts, or both
  4. Experience record – Experience Record Template (PDF, 232KB)


Complete a criminal record check

RASP professionals must complete a criminal record check every five years. Reminder emails are sent out when it's time to renew.

If we don't receive a criminal record check by the deadline, you'll be notified and then removed from the RASP shortly afterwards. This will stop all payments. For information, see Provincial Vulnerable Sector Criminal Record Checks. Results are only accepted through the Criminal Record Check Review Program directly.

A new criminal record check costs $28 and takes at least 10 days to complete. Contact to request an access code.

If you're a member of a professional college

Share your criminal record check results with Autism Information Services B.C. for free using the eCRC system.

Renew your RASP application

If you're listed on the RASP, you must renew your application every two years. See Renewal requirements. You'll receive emails to remind you, so make sure your contact information is up to date.

Supervised status for Speech-Language Pathologist Occupational Therapist cannot be renewed. You'll need to complete a new application as a non-supervised Speech-Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist.

If you're unable to complete your supervision hours, contact

If you've changed supervisors or are moving or taking parental leave, change your RASP status.

Renewal requirements


Behaviour Consultants – Category A (Non-supervised)

  1. Criminal record check – See Complete a criminal record check
  2. Current resume
  3. BCBA Certificate



Behaviour Consultants – Category B (Supervised)

  1. Criminal record check – See Complete a criminal record check
  2. Current resume
  3. BCBA certificate, if applicable
  4. Supervision Verification Letter – Supervision Verification Letter Template (PDF, 90KB)



Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists (Non-supervised)

  1. Current resume
  2. College membership certificate  
  3. Proof of autism related professional development in the form of certificates, receipts, or both


Change your RASP status

You may need to update your RASP status:

Working with families

If a family requests services from you, explain:

  • Your role on the child's team
  • Your training, experience and approach to intervention
  • The amount of time both you and the parent agree will be spent with the child
  • Your fees

It's best to have a written contract with parents. Hourly and daily rates should include the overall cost of doing business, such as time spent on administration, preparation and local travel.

Maintain ongoing communication with your families about:

  • Services that are being billed
  • How much funding is remaining

Information for parents

Before you can invoice

Each funding period, work with parents to complete a Request to Pay (RTP) (PDF, 676KB).

The form outlines the maximum:

  • Hourly or daily rate for a service
  • Amount that can be paid to a service provider each funding period

Once the form is approved, you'll receive a billing number.

The fastest way for parents to submit an RTP form is through My Family Services.

Billing number

This number must be included on all invoices. For each new funding period you'll receive a new billing number.

Begin service delivery only after you receive a billing number. This ensures that parents aren't responsible for the amount owing.

During a funding period, parents can change the approved rates and amounts for a billing number by completing a Request to Amend (RTA) Invoice Payment Authorization (PDF).

The fastest way for parents to submit an RTA form is through My Family Services.

Getting paid

Authorized invoices are paid within 30 business days of being received. Most are paid sooner.

For the fastest payment:

Payments are deposited within three to five business days of the invoice being processed.

When to invoice and what to include

Invoice once a month. You have up to six months after the date of service to submit an invoice. You cannot invoice for future-dated services or for missed appointments.

Include on your invoice:

  • Information about the service provider – full name, mailing address, phone number
  • Information about the payee, (if different than the service provider) – full name, mailing address, phone number
  • Billing number
  • Invoice number – at least four characters long
  • Client name (first and last)
  • Information about the service delivery – date (day, month, and year), type of service, amount of service provided (hours or days), rate (per hour or per day)
  • Total cost of service

For an example, see Sample Invoice (PDF, 23KB).

Provide parents with duplicates of any invoices submitted for payment. Parents and service providers will be notified if an invoice cannot be processed.

Submit an invoice

  • Online: Use the service provider portal for fast self-service options
  • By mail: PO Box 9776 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9S5
  • By email: Service providers who choose this option are responsible for protecting their client's information.

Using the service provider portal

The service provider portal provides fast self-service options.


Service providers log into the portal using a BCeID.


Contact information

Ask the Autism Funding team for help with funding paperwork or processes.

Victoria Office
250 387-3530
Toll Free
1 877 777-3530
250 356-8578
PO Box 9776 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9S5