Contact us as soon as possible after:
- You marry or enter into a marriage-like relationship
- You have a new baby or adopt a child
- You gain primary (51% or more) custody of a child from a previous marriage or relationship
- You separate or divorce
- Your spouse dies*
- Your spouse becomes a resident in a licensed long-term care facility*
- Your child is no longer considered a dependent by the Medical Services Plan (your child can remain covered by asking us to set up separate Fair PharmaCare coverage for them)
* In these cases, you may be eligible for increased assistance. Please see Fair PharmaCare Increased assistance and payment options for more information.
Reinstating your coverage
In some circumstances, your income-based Fair PharmaCare coverage may end. If you become eligible for coverage again, you can ask to have your coverage reinstated.
For instance, your coverage may have ended because:
- You did not return a consent form authorizing PharmaCare to check your income with the Canada Revenue Agency, or withdrew your consent
- Your deductible defaulted to $10,000 per family because we could not verify your income (if, for example, you did not file a tax return)
- Your coverage ended because you left B.C. to live elsewhere or
- You opted out of the B.C. Medical Services Plan
In each case, coverage can be reinstated if you take the needed steps. This might mean filing a tax return, re-enrolling with the BC Medical Services Plan, or providing your consent for PharmaCare to check your income with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Contact us to reinstate your coverage. You do NOT need to re-enrol with Fair PharmaCare.

Questions about PharmaCare?
Contact us. We provide interpreter services in over 140 languages.

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