Using a fillable PDF template

Last updated on November 22, 2024

Provide an "official looking" PDF output of your form using a PDF template.

On this page:

Reasons to use a PDF template

A PDF template is a fillable PDF form uploaded to your web form. Orbeon will place data collected from the web form into the template. Since Orbeon can also autogenerate a PDF, templates are not necessary, but they do give you precise control of the final output.

You may want to use a template when:

  • Your client has a manual process and wants online submissions to match the in-person, mailed or faxed ones
  • Citizens need a PDF output that follows a specific format or standard for third-party processing or reference
  • The client or citizens want something "formal-looking"

You can save this for later

Creating, editing or configuring a PDF template takes a combination of tools, time and skills. If you're short on any of these, remember that a template can be added later as part of a revision. You or your client might need to locate a Form Designer to get the job done. You don't usually need to delay release of the web form to wait for the template.

Setting up a PDF template

If you have a current fillable PDF form, you'll just need to configure it. In some cases though, you might need to edit it first or create one from scratch.

For additonal information, see:

Creating a PDF

You might need to create a new template when:

  • It's for a completely new form or service
  • You don't have access to original design files
  • Your fillable PDF is locked and can't be edited

To create fillable PDFs, you'll generally need:

  • A page layout application like Adobe InDesign
  • A PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat Professional
  • A mock-up or example forms for reference
  • Elements like your ministry wordmark

Designing PDF forms is beyond the scope of this manual. For some guidance, see:

Editing a PDF

You might need to edit a PDF first if your fillable PDF:

  • Has outdated ministry name, mark, or contact information
  • Has irrelevant information or instructions that need removal or replacement
  • Needs to have fields added, removed or rearranged

To edit fillable PDFs, you'll generally need:

  • A page layout application like Adobe InDesign
  • A PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat Professional
  • The original design files
  • A mock-up or reference for changes
  • Elements like your ministry wordmark

Adobe Acrobat Professional can be used to make edits "in a pinch", but is discouraged because of how it handles all the elements such as text, lines, and fields. Depending on the changes needed, it can be much harder to work with.

Editing PDF forms is beyond the scope of this manual. For some guidance, see:

Configuring a PDF

Assuming you have a current fillable PDF form, or one that requires very minor edits, you can configure the form as a template by renaming the individual fields.

  • You can find the name you need in the control settings of each field

You may need to do some additional work with certain kinds of fields such as:

  • Radio buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • Yes/No

For additonal information, see:

Adding it to your form

To add a template to your form:

  1. Click Advanced on the Toolbox
  2. Click PDF Templates in the Attachments group
  3. Upload the template
  4. Assign it a name
  5. Identify its language

For additional information, see:

Just use one, for now

The Orbeon manual shows that you can add multiple PDF templates to your form, but choosing which one to use in your form currently needs special scripting and a server configuration. We're working with Orbeon to develop a self-serve option that will allow you to configure this right in your form without needing our help. Once available, using multiple templates (such as the "standard" and "advanced" illustrated) will be much easier to set up and maintain.

Troubleshooting PDFs

Fillable PDFs have some intergration limitations. In testing your PDF output, you may notice things like:

  • Masks aren't applied to data, even if set in the PDF
  • Data combined with text is not apprearing as desired, or not at all
  • Some other undesired effect

In most cases, these issues can be resolved by:

If none of these typical solutions work for you, please create a ticket to let us know. We'll find a solution for you.