Elder abuse in any form is wrong. Unfortunately, some seniors suffer from abuse and neglect, sometimes from caregivers or family members. Abuse can take many forms, such as physical, sexual, emotional, financial, or spiritual.
Neglect and self-neglect are also forms of abuse. Self-neglect happens when a senior lives in a way that puts his or her own health, safety, or well-being at risk.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1 or call the emergency number listed in the front of your phone book.
In non-emergency situations, there are many organizations that can help abused or neglected seniors or their friends and family get help and protection. See:
The Government of B.C. has developed an Information Kit to help older adults learn how to prevent abuse, recognize abuse when it happens, know how to respond and know where they can find assistance. These resources can also be used by organizations to host workshops or seminars to increase awareness about elder abuse in their communities.
You can download copies of the brochures in English, French, Traditional Chinese or Punjabi:
Traditional Chinese
應對 虐老問題 資源 致電誰、何時及為何 (Responding to Elder Abuse: Resources) (PDF, 1.2MB)
經濟虐待 保障 卑詩省的長者 (Financial Abuse: Protecting British Columbia’s Seniors) (PDF, 528KB)
你在約會嗎? 老人家與 健康的感情關係 (Are You Dating? Older Adults and Healthy Relationships) (PDF, 962KB)
怎樣告訴別人 你正受到虐待 展開對話 (How to Tell Someone You Are Being Abused: Starting the Conversation) (PDF, 856KB)
長者受虐及資訊專線 (Seniors Abuse and Information Line) (PDF, 220KB)
For information included in the sixth brochure, you can visit the InvestRight Avoid Fraud website:
For information included in the sixth brochure, you can visit the InvestRight Avoid Fraud website:
To learn more about elder abuse and neglect, see the following fact sheets:
The TREA Strategy is a challenge to all British Columbians to work together to increase our awareness, and to prevent, identify and respond to elder abuse in all its forms. Together, our actions will support seniors and respect their dignity and independence. The goal is to bring about a societal and attitudinal shift and ultimately reduce elder abuse in our communities.
If you are being abused or neglected or you witness elder abuse and neglect, you can get help. Find out where:
Strangers may target seniors through scams and fraud. Staying informed and knowing your rights can help you protect yourself. For more information, see:
British Columbia recognizes June 15th as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Elder abuse – in any form – is unacceptable. To learn more about this annual day of awareness, see:
In an emergency, dial 9-1-1, if it’s available in your community, or call the emergency number listed in the front of your phone book.