Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Last updated on September 9, 2021

It’s important for you to be prepared and know what to do in an emergency or natural disaster. Being prepared can help you protect yourself and your loved ones. Potential hazards in B.C. include forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods.

Plan to Stay Safe

You can take many simple steps to be prepared for an emergency. You can start by making a family emergency plan and buying or making your own emergency supply kit. Gather basic supplies like bottled water, non-perishable food items, blankets, a flashlight and first aid kit, then consider what additional items (e.g., medications) you may need.

Emergency preparedness shouldn’t make you worry or feel afraid. Being prepared can even make you feel calm and confident, knowing that, in case of an emergency, you and your family will know what to do

PreparedBC provides great emergency preparedness information, including:

Preparedness for People with Disabilities

These resources are intended to support people with disabilities in preparing for an emergency. You may need to think about additional preparations if you or a family member has special needs, such as hearing, mobility, speech, cognitive or other challenges.

In the Event of an Emergency

For up-to-date information on emergency events in B.C., including advisories and emergency updates in your region, see:

More Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Resources

Do you have the time and expertise to help prepare for and respond to emergency situations in B.C.? Please consider voluteering with Emergency Management BC as a:

To find out about emergency programs in your area, contact your local government, band office or municipal hall. CivicInfoBC has a search engine you can use to locate contact information.