Reconsideration and appeals for income and disability assistance

Last updated on October 17, 2023

You may have questions about a decision that impacts your assistance. The first step is to speak to a worker about your concerns. If you still believe you should be eligible under the legislation, you can ask for a reconsideration of the decision. If you disagree with the reconsidered decision, you may appeal it.

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Reconsideration happens when a new worker reviews your information to make sure you are getting the right benefits. You can request a reconsideration of a decision if:

  • Your application for assistance was denied
  • Your assistance was reduced
  • Your assistance was stopped
  • You disagree with a decision made about your employment plan

You can’t request reconsideration for decisions involving service quality or administrative issues. If you have a concern about this kind of issue, contact us to speak to a supervisor.

How to request a reconsideration

You have 20 business days after you get the original decision to request reconsideration. Deadlines are important, so look for the dates on the reconsideration form. Remember to include all information and documents. You can provide additional information to support your case.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Call 1-866-866-0800 or visit your local office to let us know that you want a decision reconsidered
  2. You will receive a Request for Reconsideration form within 48 hours
  3. Complete sections three and four of the form
  4. Return the form to your local office. You must return it within 20 business days from the date you received the original decision
  5. A reconsideration officer will review your form and make a decision
  6. The reconsideration decision will be sent to you in the mail within 10 business days of receiving your form

If you want to add information to your form or documents to be considered, you can ask for a 10-day extension after you submit your form. You can't add information after reconsideration is complete.

If you need help filling out the Request for Reconsideration form, you can ask an advocate to help you. Your local office will have a list of advocates.


If you disagree with a reconsidered decision, you have seven business days to appeal it. Appeals go to the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal. The tribunal is quasi-judicial agency that is independent from government.

Request an appeal

Follow the instructions set out by the tribunal.

You can ask for your appeal hearing to be in person, by phone or in writing. In most cases, you'll get your final decision within 10 business days of your hearing.

Reconsideration or appeal supplement

You might be able to receive some assistance while you wait for a decision. If the decision is upheld, you will have to pay this money back. If the decision is overturned, you won’t have to pay it back.

Appeal tribunal

The tribunal provides an independent, ethical and community-based appeal process.

Learn more about the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal.

Contact information

Get help and answers to your questions at your local office or:

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