Groundwater used exclusively for domestic use does not require a licence, but if you are a domestic well owner you are strongly encouraged to register your well.
Registering your domestic well creates a record on the Provincial Groundwater Wells and Aquifer (GWELLS) application of your water use, which helps to ensure that your use is considered in decision making and during times of water scarcity.
Water supply wells that were drilled/altered/decommissioned after February 29, 2016 must be registered on the Provincial Groundwater Wells and Aquifer (GWELLS) application. It is a requirement that registered well drillers and well pump installers submit a well construction/alteration/decommission report to the Comptroller of Water Rights and the well owner within 90 days after completion of the works for water supply wells.
If you have a well that was dug or excavated (since February 2016) that is not registered you, as the well owner, need to submit a well construction report and/or a decommission report within 90 days after completion of the works for water supply wells to the Comptroller of Water Rights and the well owner.
If your well was constructed or altered prior to February 2016, and no record exists, complete a domestic well registration form and email it to or mail to the address on the form.
If your well was constructed or altered after February 2016, and you cannot find your well on the database, please contact
If your well is not used exclusively for a domestic purpose, you may be required to obtain a groundwater licence. For information about non-domestic groundwater use, please visit: Non-domestic Groundwater Use.
Complete a well registration form (PDF) and email it to or mail to the address provided.
Before Submitting:
Multiple submissions for the same domestic well will impede effective processing of the well registration.
By email:
By mail, please send to the addresses below:
Natural Resource Region |
Physical and Mailing Address |
Phone and Fax Numbers |
West Coast Region |
Suite 142, 2080 Labieux Road |
Phone: 250-751-7220 |
South Coast Region |
Suite 200, 10428 153rd Street |
Phone: 604-586-4400 |
South Natural Resource Area |
1259 Dalhousie Drive |
Phone: 250-371-6200 |
2501 14th Avenue |
Phone: 250-558-1700 |
102 Industrial Place |
Phone: 250-490-8200 |
North Natural Resource Area |
5th Floor, 499 George Street |
Phone: 250-561-3479 |
Bag 5000 |
Phone: 250-847-7260 |
Find water well information using the Groundwater Wells and Aquifers search tool or through:
Diagram of different well forms and ID Plate Requirements for private domestic well owners:
For help submitting or searching for wells, contact the Groundwater Data Specialist