Non-Domestic Groundwater Use

Last updated on March 3, 2022

All irrigators, industries, waterworks, and others who divert and use groundwater from a well or dugout for non-domestic purposes, such as commercial or industrial use, are required to apply for and obtain a water licence. This requirement was brought in by the Water Sustainability Act on February 29, 2016. Learn more on the New Requirements for Groundwater Users webpage.

If your well is used exclusively for domestic groundwater use, please visit: Domestic Well Registration.

For water use purposes, please refer to Water Use Purpose.

Apply Now

You will find everything you need to complete and submit your application at FrontCounter BC:

Search for Water Wells

Find water well information using the Groundwater Wells and Aquifers search tool or through:

Contact information

For help submitting or searching for wells, contact the Groundwater Data Specialist
