Pumping tests

Last updated on August 23, 2024

A pumping test is a type of flow test to estimate well performance, well yield, the zone of influence of the well and aquifer characteristics. A pumping test is generally required to support your water licence application.

In a pumping test:

  • The well is pumped under controlled conditions
  • Well water levels are measured over time to determine drawdown

Use pumping tests to:

  • Determine the maximum sustainable yield for a well
  • Assess the impacts of the proposed well on neighbouring wells or water bodies
  • Obtain aquifer properties, such as permeability and boundary conditions 

The Guide to Conducting Pumping Tests (PDF, 987.6KB) provides an explanation of how and when to conduct a pumping test.

Who can conduct a pumping test

A professional with a competency in hydrogeology must

  • Design and supervise the pumping test
  • Interpret the results

Under the Water Sustainability Act (WSA), pumping tests may be conducted by:

  • A registered well driller
  • A registered well pump installer, or
  • A person working under the direct supervision of the registered well driller, registered pump installer or professional with competency in hydrogeology

Obtaining pumping test and aquifer information

Pumping test and aquifer information are included in the provincial GWELLS database. Pumping test data and results for individual tests are available from the well record of the associated test well(s).  The search and mapping features of GWELLS can be used to locate well records that include pumping test information.

Pumping test data and aquifer hydraulic parameters are also published in compendium reports for selected areas of the province:

Sharing your pumping test information

The province is working to expand the database of pumping test information in GWELLS. Sharing your pumping test data and interpreted aquifer parameters will support greater understanding of groundwater resources.

Well owners and professionals may submit pumping test information by mail or email to:

Deputy Comptroller
Ministry of Environment
PO Box 9362 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria B.C.
V8W 9M2
Email: Groundwater@gov.bc.ca

The information may be submitted in report format, or alternatively, complete and submit the Pumping Test Data Form (PDF, 52KB).  If the pumping test information includes interpreted aquifer parameters, also complete and submit our Groundwater Data Use Sharing Agreement form (PDF, 188KB).

Apply for a Licence or Approval

If you use groundwater for any non-domestic purpose, you must have a water licence or approval before beginning your work.