To access the Worker Portal, click the green button below.
To ensure your information is protected and secure, the first step is to register for a basic BCeID account.
What is the Worker Portal?
The Worker Portal allows you to:
The Workers' Advisers Office (WAO) Worker Portal is a web-based application that is similar to email. It is a fast and simple way to securely send and receive information.
Any messages and documents that you send to the WAO through the Worker Portal are automatically attached to your file, as long as you have an open file. You can access the information in your portal 24/7.
The steps to access the Worker Portal are outlined below. If you need assistance, feel free to email us at or call 1-800-663-4261.
What browsers can I use for the WAO Worker Portal?
How do I use the Worker Portal?
To use the features of the WAO Worker Portal select one of the three options: View Documents, Communication Centre, or Update Contact Info.
How do I view documents online?
You can view letters and other documents from the WAO. In some cases, the WAO will give you an option to add comments regarding a shared document. In these cases, an “Add” comment feature will be available as shown below.
The WAO will receive your comments and provide a response through the portal or by telephone.
How do I use the Communication Centre?
The Communication Centre allows you to send messages to the WAO and view messages sent to you.
How can I avoid missed communications through the Worker Portal?
While you have an open file with the Workers' Advisers Office, make sure that you have subscribed to notifications. This will allow you to be notified by email when something has been posted to your portal.
If your file with the WAO is closed, you will not be able to communicate with us through the Worker Portal. Please visit the WAO Website or call 1-800-663-4261 to start a new inquiry.
How do I update my contact information?
To update your contact information:
This process will update your contact information with the WAO.
Can anyone else access my portal?
You are the only person that has access to your Worker Portal. Every time you wish to access your Worker Portal; you must use your BCeID personal access username and password.
What if I forget my password?
If you happen to enter your password incorrectly three times your BCeID account will be locked for 15 minutes. If this occurs you can either wait 15 minutes, or contact BCeID by telephone at 1-888-356-2741, or by e-mail You may need to create a new BCeID account and obtain a new access number from the Workers’ Advisers Office.
The Workers' Advisers Office can also provide workers with translation services to assist them in accessing our services and communicating with our staff.