Local governments or Indigenous Nations

Last updated on October 12, 2023

Local governments and Indigenous Nations are an important part of the process for:

Many types of licence applications and amendments require a local government or Indigenous Nation to comment about the impact it will have on the community given its proposed hours, operations or size.

Liquor licensing

Find out more about the role of local governments and First Nations in liquor licensing, including which licence applications require your review and how to respond.  

Municipal alcohol policy

Local governments and First Nations that own or manage venues where liquor is served are encouraged to develop a municipal alcohol policy. A survey of more than 100 Ontario municipalities with a municipal alcohol policy showed that problems such as fighting, verbal abuse and injuries were reduced.

Eligible municipalities and First Nations may also apply for up to $7,000 in funding from BC Healthy Communities to help fund the development of this policy.

Learn how to develop alcohol policy.

Non-medical cannabis licensing 

Find information about the role of local governments and Indigenous Nations in non-medical cannabis retail licensing including the application process and how to submit comments and a recommendation. 

Contact information

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Liquor licences
Cannabis licences