2024 Security screening process changes

Last updated on July 5, 2024

Read below to learn about upcoming changes to security screening processes planned for July 22, 2024

On this page


What is security screening?

All positions in the BC Public Service must have a security screening designation, which says if security screening is required, and which type. Security screening is mandatory for all positions designated as requiring security screening in the BC Public Service.

Where can I find out more about security screening in the BC Public Service?

You can visit the other security screening pages to find out more about security screening in the BC Public Service. To learn more about Criminal Record Review Act checks visit the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General’s website.

If you need technical assistance, see the Get assistance section of this page.

About the changes

Platform overview

What is changing?

There will be new online processes for BC Public Service Criminal Record Checks (CRCs) and Criminal Record Review Act (CRRA) checks.

  • Manual consent forms will no longer be required
  • Updated offer letter templates will be available online via Careers & MyHR
  • Identity verification processes will be streamlined

What is not changing?

There won’t be any changes to:

  • Security screening policy
  • Position designation and hiring practices
  • Enhanced Security Screening
  • Clearance and non-clearance notification processes
  • Responsibilities related to submitting screening type(s) and dates of checks to AskMyHR
  • Any current fees or payment processes

Are the new Criminal Record Check (CRC) and Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) check processes the same?

Criminal Record Checks (CRCs) and Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) checks are separate processes done by different teams. To learn more about the differences between the checks, visit the other security screening pages.

When will the changes be implemented?

The changes are planned for July 22, 2024.

Why are these changes being implemented?

They are being implemented to streamline and improve Criminal Record Checks (CRCs) and Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) checks.

What are the advantages of the changes?

The new processes will be entirely online and will eliminate the need for applicants and hiring managers to manually complete, enter and submit forms or do identity verification. This will make Criminal Record Checks (CRCs) and Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) checks faster, more secure, and more user-friendly.

What do organizations need to do to support these changes?

  • Familiarize themselves with the new systems and processes. The security screening pages on Careers & MyHR will be updated after launch
  • Ensure they use the updated offer letter templates on Careers & MyHR. These will be updated a few days before the changes

For Organizations that do Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) checks:

  • Organizations will need to ensure that their contact information is up to date. Each account can have two primary and five secondary Authorized Contacts
  • It is imperative that each organization’s Authorized Contact information is kept up to date with the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP). Contact the (CRRP) at CriminalRecords@gov.bc.ca or 1-855-587-0185 (Option 2)
  • Ensure the organization's unique access code is not shared by applicants or published online
  • Create an email template for the organization to send to successful applicants/candidates with the link to the new system and organization’s access code

Criminal Record Check (CRCs)

What specific advantages will there be for the new Criminal Record Checks (CRC) system and processes?

Hiring managers won’t have to complete a manual consent form and will be able to monitor the progress of CRCs online. In most cases, identity verification will be automated.

What is the new process for doing Criminal Record Checks (CRCs)?

Hiring Managers will log into the Personnel Security Screening Office’s (PSSO) online platform to create and send an email to the successful applicant/candidate to complete a CRC. Candidates receive the automated email from the PSSO system with a link to fill out the online CRC consent form. Candidates will log into the system, verify their identity using their BC Services Card Login and complete and submit their consent form. Hiring managers can add delegates to individual CRCs making them visible to that person when they log into the PSSO online platform.

Who gets the Criminal Record Check (CRC) results?

Once the CRC is complete, the hiring manager will be notified by email whether the applicant/candidate passed. A copy of the notification will also automatically be sent to AskMyHR for data entry and filing.

Criminal Record Review Act (CRRA) checks

How will Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) checks be submitted?

An organization’s Authorized Contact will use their organization’s template email to give the successful applicant/candidate the organization’s unique access code and a link to the online Criminal Record Review Act Check system. CRRA checks are submitted online directly by the applicant.

What is the new process for doing Criminal Records Review Act checks?

Applicants use the link and the organization’s unique access code provided by the hiring organization to log into the online system. The applicant can verify their identity using their BC Services Card Login and complete and submit the form.

Who gets the Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) check results?

Once the check is complete, the results will be sent to the email on file with the Criminal Records Review Program. The hiring manager will need to send confirmation to AskMyHR indicating that the candidate has successfully completed a Criminal Records Review Act check and the date(s) it was completed.

Information for Hiring Managers

Platform overview for hiring managers

What happens if I am in the middle of a hiring process when the changes are implemented?

After launch, you will need to use the new processes and resources. Any security screening that is in progress will proceed as usual.

Offer letter templates will be updated in advance of the new system launch to reduce manual consent form entries. Hiring managers will need to keep track of any offers sent using the new letters in advance of the launch date and use the new process after the new system launches.

If a hiring manager had previously issued an offer letter that contained a link to the old Criminal Record Check consent form and the successful applicant/candidate did not download and complete the form, the link will no longer work and the hiring manager will need to follow the new Criminal Record Check process.

If the hiring manager had previously issued an offer letter that contained a link to the old Criminal Record Check consent form and the successful applicant/candidate completed and sent the hiring manager the form, the hiring manager will need to manually enter the information into the new Criminal Record Check system. See the question below.

What do I do if I receive a Criminal Record Check (CRC) consent form after the new system launches?

A hiring manager can enter the CRC consent information into the new system manually. If you need assistance with this option, you can contact the Personnel Security Screening Office. See the Get assistance section of this page for contact information. If a manual consent form is used, it should be submitted via AskMyHR to be added to the employee’s personnel file.

What happens if a successful applicant cannot do an online check?

Contact the appropriate program for assistance. See the Get assistance section of this page for contact information.

What happens if an applicant chooses not to use the BC Service Card Login option?

If an individual chooses not to use the BC Services Card Login option to verify their identity, the hiring manager (CRC) or email address on file with the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRA check) will receive an email requesting that they verify and confirm the applicant’s identity before the check can proceed. ID verification can be completed via online meeting or in person.

Get assistance

General information

You can visit the other security screening pages for general information about security screening. The pages will be updated to reflect the changes after launch.

Criminal Record Checks

Access the PSSO user guide to learn more about the new Criminal Record Check process.

Platform overview for applicants

Criminal Records Review Act checks

See the Criminal Records Review Program’s platform update page to access the applicant user guide or organization user guide for technical assistance with Criminal Record Review Act (CRRA) checks.

Contact information

Contact the Personnel Security Screening Office for Criminal Record Checks

Contact the Criminal Records Review Program for Criminal Record Review Act checks (Option 2)

Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm

Security Programs Division Office