Under-implementation salary

Last updated on March 25, 2024

There are 2 types of under-implementation in the BC Public Service: developmental and growth.

In both cases, managers must have a plan before under-implementing the employee.

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Certain positions are often difficult to fill due to the lack of qualified applicants in or out of government. These could be positions where the only place to train and gain experience is in government. There may also be a proven track record of posting with no successful applicants.

When this happens, a manager may under-implement an employee in a position until they gain the experience, knowledge and skills needed to reach the job's full working level.

Salary administration for developmental positions

If you're contemplating hiring for a developmental position, contact AskMyHRIDIR restricted to determine the classification level. Submit a service request using the categories My Team or Organization (or) A Hiring Manager > Job Classification > Other Issues & Inquiries. Also review the compensation guide on Salary Administration for Employees in Developmental Positions (PDF, 144KB).

Progressing from one level to the next is not considered a promotion and the provisions of BCGEU Article 27.5 do not apply.

Learn more about recruiting for developmental positions.

Salary administration for growth series positions

The union has negotiated the following growth series positions:

  • Commercial Transport Inspector
  • Community Program Officer: Employment Assistance Worker (paused effective May 1, 2020)
  • Correctional Officer
  • Paralegals
  • Social Program Officer
  • Training Consultant

While the specific wage levels may differ among growth series, each is typically administered in the same way:

  • The hiring ministry assesses the employee's qualifications and experience and determines the employee's growth series starting level (usually Level 1)
  • The employee gains on-the-job experience and/or training. They progress through a series of levels with corresponding higher salary levels until they reach the job`s full working level. Each level on the growth plan equals 6 months of full-time employment (or 913 hours)
  • Employees who meet ministry standards of performance are eligible to move to the next level of the plan at the end of the shift during which they accumulate 913 hours paid at the straight-time rate

Find the growth plans and pay rates for these positions using the Salary Look-up Tool

Accumulation of hours in a growth series

Each growth series position has several levels (like salary steps). Employees appointed to these positions typically start at the Level 1 and move up one level every 6 months (913 hours) until they reach the job’s full working level.

Accumulation of hours of experience includes:

  • Vacation days
  • Compensatory time off (CTO)
  • Special leaves with pay

Accumulation of hours does not include:

  • Short Term Illness or Injury Plan (STIIP)
  • WorkSafeBC
  • Leaves of absence without pay (maternity leave)