Become a volunteer

Last updated on June 19, 2024

Volunteers are critical to PECSF.

Volunteer time and talent are a huge part of the success of the annual awareness campaign and the program as a whole.

PECSF Volunteering

On this page

Benefits of volunteering

Volunteering lets you:

  • Put public service values into action
  • Make a difference in your community
  • Challenge yourself
  • Develop your skills
  • Show that you can lead
  • Network
    • You'll make friends and meet people from across the provincial government
  • Have fun
  • Offer your skills
    • There are many ways to contribute

Register for PECSF volunteer training through the PECSF SharePoint website in the summer months.

​Your commitment

As a volunteer, you commit to:

  • Volunteer during the September to November awareness campaign
  • Attend the campaign kick-off event in your region (where applicable)
  • 2 hours of PECSF volunteer training, at least, in person or online

Get started

  1. Get your supervisor’s approval
  2. Check in with your office PECSF team or lead coordinator
  3. Register for PECSF volunteer training through the PECSF SharePoint website
  4. Contact PECSF headquarters to ask questions and sign up to receive volunteer and campaign news updates


You have a lot to offer as a volunteer.

PECSF will give you all the tools and resources you need. All volunteers are required to attend annual training which you can register for through the PECSF SharePoint website.

The training covers campaign basics, effective canvassing, event planning, communications, leadership development and more.

Watch the PECSF 101 training video.

Volunteer roles

Each ministry designs its own campaign action plan and exact dates the awareness campaign will run.

The roles below show the variety of volunteer opportunities, but you are master of your volunteer experience.

Shape your role to meet the needs of your workplace and to make the most of your team’s strengths.


Coordinators lead and set the tone of workplace campaigns. You recruit canvassers, event planners and other helpers.

With your team, you:

  • Make an action plan
  • Get your executive on board
  • Bring together necessary resources
  • Delegate specific tasks
  • Guide the process
  • Report out on your team's success

Average time commitment is 12 to 16 hours (8 hours pre-campaign, 2 hours during, 2 hours after), plus PECSF training in-person or online. 

The time needed to successfully host an event varies considerably. Consider the costs and projected benefits of your event before you get started.


The Community Fund strives to canvass every employee personally each year.

To do this, we need a lot of canvassers, one for every 15 to 20 employees. An average time commitment is 8 to 12 hours during the annual fall campaign, in addition to the required training.

Canvassers are front-line representatives who:

  • Provide one-on-one contact with employees
  • Let employees know about PECSF
  • Encourage employees to donate
  • Help donors make their pledges
  • Collect campaign prize draw entries and pledge forms
  • Distribute the Community Fund Thank You Calendar

Event coordinators

Event coordinators are responsible for:

  • Planning and carrying out the coordinator’s action plan
    • This can include building awareness, gaming and fundraising events
  • Running the event
  • Post-event reconciliation

Successful events build enthusiasm, which makes for a fantastic campaign.


Volunteer resources
PECSF Volunteer Resources

Check out the resources available to volunteers.