
Last updated on January 31, 2025

Weigh2GoBC allows commercial carriers to bypass Weigh2GoBC inspection stations (weigh scales) saving time, fuel and money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Weigh2GoBC is free to join.

Join Weigh2GoBC

Weigh2GoBC is open to all Canadian and U.S. carriers with commercial vehicles licensed for travel in B.C. If you're not already registered, sign up based on where your carrier business is located.

Log in to Weigh2GoBC

Log in to Weigh2GoBC

Already registered? Maintain the information in your Weigh2GoBC account and "get the green light."

Log in to the Weigh2GoBC system to:

  • Register a truck and transponder
  • Search registrations
  • Search encounters
  • Run your fleet's savings reports
  • Update contact and vehicle information

Weigh2GoBC Inspection Stations

How Weigh2GoBC Works

Vehicles with a registered transponder communicate with Weigh2GoBC stations upon approach. At a weigh-in-motion (WIM) equipped station, the vehicle is identified and checked for height, weight and safety credentials while travelling at highway speeds.

If a red light signals, or there is no light and the station is open, check-in is required. A green light signals to continue driving. If the first station stop in a trip is an automatic vehicle identification (AVI)-equipped station, it always results in a red light. Vehicles may get a green light for the rest of the trip if they have passed inspection at a Weigh2GoBC station within the last 24 hours.

By reducing the number of vehicles that must report to inspection stations, inspectors have time to identify and focus on higher-risk carriers. Random checks do occur and you may have to report, even if your credentials are in order. Enrolment does not guarantee an automatic bypass at all stations.


There are many benefits to joining Weigh2GoBC. Besides saving time, fuel and money, you’ll be reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well.

Save Time

Here’s an example of time savings for a carrier using Weigh2Go.

A truck driving from Vancouver to Calgary would stop at three inspection stations each way during the journey (Hope, Kamloops and Golden) for six stops in total.

Since each stop takes approximately 10 minutes per station, Weigh2Go would save 60 minutes per vehicle over the trip. If you had 20 trucks you would save 20 hours total per trip.

If 20 trucks make two trips per week, that is a savings of 40 driver hours per week, over 173 hours per month, or more than 2,080 hours per year.

Save Fuel

Here’s an example of fuel savings for a carrier using Weigh2Go.

A commercial vehicle uses between 0.41 litres and 0.733 litres of fuel when reporting to an inspection station, including deceleration off of the highway and acceleration back onto the highway.

Using an average of 0.5715 litres, and a conservative fuel cost of $1.00 per litre, 20 vehicles driving from Vancouver to Calgary and back two times a week, pass six Weigh2GoBC stations. Bypassing each station would result in fuel savings of $137.16 a week or $7132.32 per year.

Verify Records

Each carrier has its own inspection station data. You can log in and find out things like:

  • Whether or not a vehicle got a red light or a green light
  • The screening result at each of those stations

The data can be used to verify paper log books.

Monitor Drivers

A random report percentage (RRP) is assigned to each carrier and each vehicle based on their on-road performance. If you are monitoring a driver, you can request their vehicle have a higher random report percentage than the rest of your fleet. For example, you may have a new driver that is still on probation, or a seasoned driver that has attained a number of infractions. Raising the random report percentage for that vehicle means they will report to stations more often.

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about Weigh2GoBC.

Login to Weigh2GoBC to update contact and vehicle information.