Apply for a Transportation Network Service Licence

Last updated on July 8, 2024

Companies applying for a Transportation Network Service licence must prepare an application by using the appropriate forms. Be prepared by reviewing the information below. 

Transportation Network Services (TNS) require approval by the Passenger Transportation Board for a special authorization licence.

Obligations of TNS Companies

Companies operating with a TNS licence must fulfill the following obligations:

  • Obtain an initial licence and subsequent annual renewals. Fees include
    • $200 for application
    • $5,000 for licence
    • An additional fee of $0.90 per trip provided in a non-wheelchair accessible vehicle
  • Monitor and verify police record checks for all drivers, ensuring
    • The driver’s identify matches the record check
    • A record check certificate is issued (via paper or app)
    • The record check certificate is displayed in the form and manner determined by Registrar
  • Ensure driving record checks are completed and acceptable for all drivers 
  • Provide a record check certificate to the driver. The driver must ensure the record check certificate is displayed in the form and manner determined by Registrar in conjunction with the regulations
  • Issue vehicle identifiers to eligible drivers
  • Submit Data Requirements to the Registrar 
  • Fulfill all Recordkeeping Requirements. TNS companies must have policies in place to ensure the BC requirements for records and reporting are fulfilled. Records maintained by TNS companies will be reviewed by Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement staff as part of the audit process

The $0.90 per trip fee for non-wheelchair accessible ride-hailing vehicles was established to support funding for accessibility programs. Side entry as well as rear entry is permitted for accessible vehicles so people with disabilities are supported and have more options to get around.

Record Check Certificates

For more information visit Record Check Certificates.

National Safety Code (NSC) operating safety certificate

The National Safety Code (NSC) is a set of national standards supported by provincial regulations. The program establishes management and performance requirements for commercial carriers. The NSC standards establish minimum safety criteria for commercial vehicles and drivers and issues operating safety certificates when commercial vehicles and drivers have met all required criteria. The NSC provides online training. Find out more about the NSC and the operating safety certificate

TNS Companies must maintain National Safety Code requirements for

  • Hiring and monitoring drivers
  • Monitoring hours of service
  • Ensuring vehicle maintenance

Municipal Business Licences

In addition to the provincial TNS licence, TNS companies may need to acquire a municipal business licence depending on their region of operation.

Municipalities have authority to set business licence requirements and issue business licences. To learn more about municipal authority in relation to TNS, read Information for Municipalities

To apply for a municipal business licence, contact the municipality relevant to your TNS operation.