Documents for Applicants Located Outside of B.C.

Last updated on April 3, 2020

If your business or organization is located outside British Columbia, submit the following documents with your application.

Identification Documents

For applicants applying under individual names or as a partnership, a driver's licence for each individual or partner is required.

For applicants applying as a corporation, limited-liability company or society the following is required:

  • the company's certificate of incorporation (articles of incorporation) issued by the company's home jurisdiction
  • a list of its directors and officers
  • the company's B.C. Certificate of Incorporation (issued by B.C. Registrar of Companies showing registration in B.C. as an extra-provincial company), or
  • a signed letter declaring the company is exempt from being a B.C. registered company under the Business Corporations Act, SBC2002 Chapter 57 – Part 11, Section 375.

Company Registration

Register your company in B.C. or find out if your company is exempt from registering in B.C.

Safety Certificate

All applicants must have a safety certificate issued by the home jurisdiction. It must:

  • Be in the legal name of the applicant
  • Have a satisfactory rating
  • Be issued by a jurisdiction in North America

Safety certificates are known by different names, depending on the province, territory or state that issues them. In B.C. the safety certificate is known as the National Safety Code (NSC) certificate.

Extra Provincial or Inter State Operating Authority

Out-of-province applicants need authorization from their home jurisdiction to operate as a commercial passenger carrier beyond the boundaries of their home province or state.

Contact information

For relevant contact information visit Contacts.