
Last updated on July 9, 2024

Potential Approval, Permit or Code of Practice Requirements

Beaver Dam Removal

Explanation: Section 9 (1) of the Wildlife Act prohibits against destroying beaver or muskrat dens or houses or beaver dams unless authorized under permit. Permits are issued by the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy.

Statute: Wildlife Act, 1996

Relevant Section or Regulation:

Regulating Agency: Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy

Possess, Take or Destroy Bird Nest and/or Egg

Explanation: Section 34 of the Wildlife Act prohibits possessing, taking or destroying (i) a bird or its egg, (ii) the nest of an eagle, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, osprey, heron or burrowing owl, or (iii) the nest of a bird not mentioned in (ii), when the nest is occupied by a bird or its egg unless authorized under permit.

Vegetation clearing is likely to destroy birds’ nests, so it should be done only when the nests are not occupied. To comply with Section 34(iii) of the Act, clearing that must be done during the nesting season and must be preceded by nest surveys to confirm that active nests will not be affected. A vegetation buffer must be retained around each active nest. The nest survey protocol should be developed and implemented by a qualified professional. The protocol must be acceptable to the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy.

Statute: Wildlife Act, 1996

Relevant Section or Regulation:

Regulating Agency: Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy

Government of Canada References:


Explanation: On some projects, certain wildlife species must be protected by removing them from the area before construction begins. Wildlife salvage such as this requires a permit from the Ministry of Environment. Salvage without a permit may contravene Section 29 of the Wildlife Act. The salvage permit is issued by the Regional Manager, Environmental Stewardship Division.

Also see Species at Risk if the species is listed as threatened or endangered under the Species at Risk Act.

Statute: Wildlife Act, 1996

Relevant Section or Regulation: s. 7, s. 19, s.29 of the Wildlife Act

Regulating Agency: Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy