DNP-Speed Limits

Last updated on June 27, 2024

The BC Motor Vehicle Act establishes a basic "regulatory" speed limit on all public roads: 80 km/h outside municipalities and 50 km/h within municipalities. The regulatory speed limits on provincial highways range from 50 to 120 km/h, depending on the type of highway.

Guiding principles in establishing a regulatory speed limit are: safety performance of the road, geometric features such as shoulder width, number of intersections or accesses and surrounding land use.

Speed limits are in effect as soon as the black and white speed limit sign has been placed. The "maximum" speeds posted presume dry, bare road conditions where visibility is good. Always adjust your speed to reflect current road conditions.


Popular Speed Related Topics

Vehicles with Flashing Lights

Motorists are required to Slow Down and Move Over for all vehicles stopped alongside the road that have flashing red, blue or yellow lights. This includes police, ambulances and roadside workers. Motorists must slow their speed to 70 km/h when in an 80 km/h or over zone, and 40km/h when in an under 80 km/h zone.

Speed-related Signage

The black and white speed signs are set in law. If a driver is found to be exceeding this regulatory limit, it is a ticketable offence that may result in a fine and penalty points.


The speed posted on the small, square, black and yellow signs are advisory speed limits and are normally used in conjunction with a sign warning of a curve. These signs are posted for driver safety and guidance.

Schools and Playgrounds

Drivers need to take extra caution when passing schools and playgrounds.

A 30 km/hour speed limit in school zones are in effect from 8 am to 5 pm on school days, or as otherwise specified.

These signs indicate there is a school nearby and school children may be present near or on the roadway.


These signs establishes a maximum speed zone of 30 kilometres per hour on school days between 8 am and 5 pm or as otherwise specified. This sign may be amended with the text "8 AM – 5 PM SCHOOL DAYS" or other times in place of "8 AM – 5 PM." A period of time otherwise specified must not begin later than 8 am or end earlier than 5 pm.

The back of the sign for the opposite direction of travel terminates the 30 km/h speed zone.

Penalties for Infractions in School and Playground Zones

If speed is between: Total fine Driver penalty
31 - 50 km/h $196 3
51 - 70 km/h $253 3
71 - 90 km/h $368 3
Greater than 90 km/h $483 3


Keep Right, Let Others Pass

Effective June 2015, motorists are required to keep right and let others pass. This applies to B.C. highways with two or more lanes of traffic travelling in the same direction and a posted speed limit of 80 km/h or greater.

Keep Right, Let Others Pass sign


Contact information

Questions or comments about speed limits on B.C. highways?

250 356-7706
PO BOX 9850 STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9T5