The scope of the Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Program has now expanded, with Phase 4 extending through the Sumas Prairie into Chilliwack. The project will provide safe, innovative, and reliable infrastructure to move people and goods safely throughout the Fraser Valley. Improvements will have a people focus that will allow people to live affordably and sustainably in the Fraser Valley and will address the need for improvements to infrastructure to make it more resilient to a changing climate.
Improvements to Highway 1 from Highway 11 through the Sumas Prairie are in integrated planning.
There is a multi-agency response underway with First Nations, local government, the Province, and the federal government that is working to develop a regional flood mitigation strategy.
There is also an integrated planning process that will run in parallel and identify future highway improvements that will be compatible with the regional flood mitigation strategy through the Sumas Prairie.
Project costs
Funding will be confirmed as the project scope is defined.
Project objectives
The improvements will widen the highway from Highway 11 through the Sumas Prairie to be compatible with the regional flood mitigation strategy. Objectives include:
- Ensuring alignment with the regional flood mitigation strategy
- Improving access to affordable and sustainable modes of transportation including buses, ridesharing, walking, biking, and rolling
- Supporting CleanBC through HOV/EV lanes
- Supporting increased use of Highway 1 transit services by improving transit travel times and reliability
- Facilitating efficient goods movement through the corridor
- Improving safety and capacity at high-traffic intersections
- Reducing Highway 1 congestion
- Eliminating low clearance issues for commercial vehicles on the corridor
Project benefits
Potential benefits could include:
- Helping people get to where they’re going in the region by better accommodating growing traffic demands and the current daily traffic volume of more than 80,000 vehicles a day on Highway 1
- Encouraging other affordable and environmentally beneficial modes of transportation such as car sharing, electric vehicles, public transportation, and active transportation
- Reducing idling times and related air emissions - high traffic volumes along the corridor result in operating speeds as low as 20 kilometres per hour during peak periods, resulting in increased air pollution and reduced economic opportunity and quality of life
- Planning for the anticipated growth and development in the Fraser Valley Regional District, with an expected population increase of 47% (an additional 163,000 residents) by 2050
- Incorporating advancing technologies. Through the CleanBC plan, 100 percent of new cars sold in British Columbia will be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2040. The reality of electric and automated vehicles has significant implications for the future of transportation systems across B.C., including Highway 1
Public consultation
Public consultation for Phase 4 of the Program will be held at a later date. If you have any questions, please email us at
Project map

Project photos