Youth Hunting in B.C.

Last updated on January 16, 2025

A youth hunter in B.C. is a person 10 years of age or older and under the age of 18. A person under the age of 10 years must not hunt wildlife. A person who causes or allows a person under the age of 10 years to hunt commits an offence.

A youth hunter may hunt if they have either:

  • A Youth hunting licence, or
  • A Resident hunting licence (if the youth has hunting safety training)

A youth hunter must always hunt with a supervising hunter.

Youth hunting licence

The youth does not need to have completed hunting safety training to buy a youth hunting licence, but they must have a verified Fish and Wildlife ID (FWID).

The youth hunting licence costs $7.00 plus tax. Visit hunting license fees for more information.

A parent or legal guardian must buy and hold the youth licence for the youth.

Bag limits

The youth named on a youth hunting licence does not have their own bag limit for game. Any game harvested by a youth is part of the bag limit of the supervising hunter.

Individual species licences cannot be purchased under the youth licence. The supervising hunter must hold the appropriate uncancelled species licence for any species that is hunted.

Resident hunting licence

Individuals 10 years of age or older can buy a resident hunting licence, if they meet the qualifications for a resident hunting licence.

A parent or legal guardian must buy the resident hunting licence for the youth.

Bag limits

Individuals under 18 holding a resident hunting licence may buy their own species licences and have their own bag limit, which are the same bag limits as those listed in the hunting and trapping synopsis.

Youth hunters who hold resident hunting licences cannot utilize the species licence or bag limit of their supervising hunter, they must hold the appropriate uncancelled species licence for any species that is hunted.

Purchasing licences

Youth and resident hunting licences can be purchased for youth hunters by a parent or guardian:

When purchasing a hunting licence (youth or resident) for a youth, the parent or the guardian must:

  • Have a verified FWID
  • Confirm they are responsible for the actions of the youth while hunting or carrying a firearm in B.C.
    • Online: If the licence is being bought online, this declaration is completed electronically as part of the application process.
    • In person: If the licence is being bought over the counter, the parent or legal guardian must provide a completed Written Undertaking Form (PDF, 435KB)

This Written Undertaking Form (PDF, 435KB) contains reference to previous ministers or ministries responsible for wildlife at the time of publication. Periodic transfer of authority for natural resource management may not be reflected in this document.

Supervising hunter for a youth hunter

Youth who hunt in B.C. must be accompanied by, and under the close personal supervision of, a supervising hunter.

A supervising hunter must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Hold a hunting licence (other than an initiation hunting licence) or be exempted from holding a hunting licence
  • Hold a FWID with a valid hunting credential
  • Have held a hunting licence in B.C. (other than an initiation hunting licence) or a licence to hunt elsewhere in not fewer than three of any of the licence years preceding the current licence year (or be exempt from holding a licence)
  • If the person is an Indian as defined by the Indian Act (Canada) and residing in B.C., the previous two bullets do not apply but the person must have received training in hunting and previously hunted lawfully without supervision
  • Not be prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm

If the youth is hunting with a licensed guide, the above qualifications do not apply to the supervising hunter.

The supervising hunter may accompany no more than:

  • Two youth hunting licence holders at one time
  • One youth and one initiation licence holder at one time
  • Two initiation hunting licence holders at one time