Report a fire incident in the Fire Inventory Reporting Evaluation System (FIRES).
These training videos will help users learn how to submit fire incident reports.
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Reporting using the FIRE system
Date: December 6, 2023
Subject: To learn how to use the fire incident reporting (FIRE) system, please watch the video above. Additionally, the presentation slides are available for download below.
All fires that cause damage to property, injuries or fatalities, or which require fire department resources to suppress must be reported. Examples include:
Structure fires
Vehicle fires
Outdoor fires
For help using the FIRE system, see the FIRES User Quick Reference Guide (PDF, 1.4 MB).
For clarification on these definitions, contact the Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) at
Investigation into a fire must start within five days of the incident, excluding holidays. The fire report must be submitted to the OFC within 30 days after an investigation is completed.
Fires are reportable if there is extensive smoke or heat damage and a fire department’s assistance is required to clear the smoke.
Examples include:
Examples include:
Exposure fires
An exposure fire is defined as a fire or damage that occurs as a direct consequence of another fire originating in a completely detached segregated building, structure, facility, vehicle or outside an open area.
Exposure fires require separate fire reports.
Casualty (injury or fatality)
A casualty is each person who suffers a fire related injury or fatality.
A casualty fire report must be completed for each person who suffers a fire-related injury or fatality. The report is to be completed and submitted in conjunction with the related fire report.
A fire is any instance of destructive and uncontrolled burning. Fire does not include the following, except where they cause fire or occur because of fire:
Property loss
Property loss by fire is the cost of the actual damage to property. Only direct losses from fire, smoke or damages associated with firefighting operations are to be included. Costs of “good will” or loss of sales and other losses due to interruption of a business or vacating a home are specifically and strictly excluded.
Damages to or destruction of buildings and installed equipment and contents are estimated and reported at their replacement value.
Property value at risk
This refers to the estimated cash value of the property, including its contents. It doesn't include the value of the land that the structure resides on.
The manual provides information needed to meet fire reporting requirements under the Fire Safety Act by providing:
To assist in completing your report, the OFC provides PDF forms with accompanying instructions, location code directories and a breakdown of the code structure with definitions.
On August 1, 2024, the new Fire Safety Act came into effect replacing the Fire Services Act. With the new act in place, insurance companies are no longer legislated to report on fire losses as they were under the Fire Services Act section 19. However, insurance companies continue to be valued partners in ensuring accurate data from fire incident claims to help evaluate fire loss, economic impacts and fire trends in our province. Insurance reports also help ensure accuracy in fire incident reporting from local governments. Please continue to report on fire losses through the insurance fire report form below.
All insurance fire report forms need to be submitted via email to