This section has key information for those looking to adopt a child and explains the adoption options available in British Columbia. Once an adoption has been granted, the Vital Statistics Agency registers the event and updates the birth records of children born and adopted here. This section also describes how to access adoption records.
Adoptions are governed by the Adoption Act in order to protect everyone’s interests – especially the interests of the child being adopted. Only the provincial government and licensed non-profit adoption agencies are authorized to place children – they are required to:
Find out what's involved in the adoption process, who can help and how to search for adopted children or birth parents.
Adoption Practice Standards:
2001 Adoption Practice Standards (abbreviated) (PDF) provide direction to workers providing adoption services delegated by the Director of Adoption under section 77 of the Adoption Act.
Workers planning adoption provide guardianship services for children who are in the care, custody or guardianship of the Director of Adoption under section 23 or 24 of the Adoption Act. Workers also assume guardianship responsibilities when planning adoption for children in the continuing custody of a director under the CFCSA, or under guardianship of a director pursuant to section 29 of the Family Relations Act.
Connect with the Belonging Network or call them Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm at 1 877 236-7807