Forest and Range Evaluation Program training

Last updated on July 10, 2024

This self-guided online training material was compiled to provide foundational knowledge to Forest and Range Evaluation Program assessors enrolled in field training. It is publicly accessible here to allow anyone interested in riparian monitoring to gain an understanding of the FREP protocol. The material contains the key terms and background information needed for assessors to prepare for conducting assessments, but it should not be viewed as a replacement for field training. Having a baseline understanding prior to attending a field session will enable assessors to optimize learning outcomes and be ready to conduct assessments as soon as possible with efficiency and confidence. The protocols and any supplementary material are important resources and should be reviewed in combination with this training. Completion of the online modules are mandatory for participation in any subsequent field training sessions.

Parties interested in funding their own field training in FREP assessments, outside of the FREP program, can make a request to the program.  Please contact the email address below for a list of current qualified contract trainers.

Collection of people in the woods in safety vests

Forest and Range Evaluation Program

Contact information

For general questions please contact