There’s never been a better time to Buy BC and support local growers, producers and the food we love right here in BC.
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There’s never been a better time to Buy BC and support local growers, producers and the food we love right here in BC.
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This varied landscape contains large tracts of arid but high-quality ranchland. Local markets benefit from a healthy agri-tourism sector and strong producer relationships with retailers and restaurants, while the central location and good routes to Lower Mainland airports and seaports position the region as a transport hub.
The Thompson-Nicola is dry, and much of its cropland requires extensive irrigation. Productive grasslands and Crown timber land support a robust cattle industry, and a range of elevations and soil types allow for a variety of crops.
Products include beef, forage, onions, potatoes, melons, herbs and high-value medicinal plants like ginseng. The tree fruit and wine grape sectors are growing in this region, as is the dairy sector.
Find out more specific information about the Thompson-Nicola agricultural region:
Regional agrologist
William Shaw
Telephone: 250-795-4218
The ministry has developed regional guides as a resource for producers, on-the ground researchers, and consultants to reflect on the climate issues challenging environmental sustainability and local farm businesses and food production.
The Thompson-Nicola region includes Thompson-Nicola Regional District (Kamloops, Merritt, Chase, Clearwater, Cache Creek), SLRD Areas A and B (Lillooet)
AgriService BC
Have a question? Call or email and a staff person will assist you.
Telephone: 1-888-221-7141