6.5 Drug Review Process

Last updated on February 5, 2025

General policy description

PharmaCare seeks to provide coverage for drugs that support the health and well-being of B.C. residents and that offer strong value for dollar.

Before a drug can be included in the PharmaCare formulary, it undergoes a thorough review to determine whether it meets these two requirements. The review process helps ensure the PharmaCare program remains fair, effective and sustainable.

Policy details

National and provincial drug review processes

Drug reviews have three stages.


B.C. drug review process

The review process in B.C. involves two entities: the Drug Benefit Council (DBC) and the Ministry of Health.

>> Learn more about the Drug Benefit Council on the PharmaCare Drug Review web page.

The DBC is an independent advisory committee made up of nine professional members with expertise in critical appraisal, medicine, ethics, pharmacy and health economics, and three members from the public. Their task is to review drug submissions and make recommendations to the Ministry.


Conflict of interest guidelines

The Ministry is committed to a fair, independent, objective, and unbiased drug review process. All those who take part in the review of a drug submission, including members of the DBC, the DRRC, and the DRRTs, are held to the highest ethical standards when conducting their activities.

For this reason, all persons involved in the drug review process must declare any relationship they, or their immediate family, have that creates—or could appear to create—a conflict of interest. The need to disclose conflict of interest information is ongoing and is the responsibility of all involved in the review process.

The Ministry's Conflict of interest guidelines for the drug benefit review process (PDF, 32.6KB) state that "a conflict of interest may exist whenever a Participant or an Immediate Family Member of a Participant has a direct or indirect interest or relationship, financial or otherwise, with an Entity that may affect or reasonably appear to affect the objectivity or fairness of the Participant in the Drug Benefit Review Process."

Examples of information that need to be disclosed include: payments or research funds received from a company that may benefit from the drug review decision; financial ownership in such a company, being employed by such a company; and any arrangement or relationship through which the participant could either earn or lose money because of a Ministry drug coverage decision.

Individuals who declare possible conflict of interest information are not automatically excluded from participating in the drug review process.

Whether an individual is selected to participate or not depends upon the particular drug submission under review and is determined by the DBC and/or the DRRC. To select drug reviewers, the DRRC assesses the review requirements of the particular drug submission, the expertise of the potential reviewers, and the conflict of interest information declared by the reviewers. It is up to the DRRC to select the best reviewer without conflict of interest whenever possible. As such, the DRRC may select a reviewer with an identified conflict of interest after weighing the potential benefits and risks of including the participant in the review.

>> For full details, refer to the Ministry's Conflict of interest guidelines for the drug benefit review process (PDF, 179KB)

Ministry drug review timelines

When a drug needs a CDA review, the Ministry starts its own review process when the CDA process is complete (i.e., on the date CDA issues its recommendation).

All other patented drug submissions start on the date the complete submission is received by the Ministry.

The Ministry's target timeline to a decision is defined as the time from when the Ministry begins its review to the time it publicly communicates its decision.

The target timeline to a decision for a standard review is 9 months. The timeline for a complex review is 12 months. A complex review involves extra requirements, such as developing clinical coverage criteria, developing a Special Authority form, discussions with the manufacturer, and/or other steps as required.

Priority reviews

A drug submission may be given priority status if it

  • Was granted priority review status by CDA, or
  • Meets a significant clinical need and shows major therapeutic benefit, or
  • Shows substantial economic benefit

Priority drug reviews will be completed within 6 months for standard submissions or 9 months for complex submissions.

Sponsor engagement in the drug review process

The Ministry provides the sponsor with four points of engagement during the drug review process:


Patient engagement in the drug review process

Through Your Voice, patients, caregivers, and patient groups can have input to the PharmaCare drug review process (PDF, 666KB).

Who can give input?

B.C. residents who can answer "yes" to any of the following questions for a drug on the Your Voice web page can give input: 

  • Do you have the medical condition for which the drug would be used?
  • Are you a caregiver for someone who has that medical condition?
  • Does your patient group represent patients who have that medical condition AND have you registered with PharmaCare to give input?

Drug submission requirements

Patented drug products

Drug submission sponsors are required to apply to the Ministry of Health to have their drug considered as a PharmaCare benefit. The following information outlines the submission requirements for patented drug products that must be submitted to the Ministry.

The Ministry makes PharmaCare coverage decisions based on a range of considerations, including existing PharmaCare policies, programs, therapeutic options, resources, and the evidence-informed recommendations of the Drug Benefit Council (DBC). The DBC's advice to the Ministry is based upon a review of many considerations, including available clinical and pharmacoeconomic evidence, clinical practice, patient and ethical considerations, and the recommendations of CDA, when applicable.

In order for patented drug product submissions for new drugs, new combination products, and drugs with new indications to be considered by the Ministry, the submission must undergo an initial review by CDA. Drug products that are designated as Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEBs) are also required to go through the CDA process.

All other submissions, including those for line extensions and modification of criteria, should be submitted directly to the Ministry.

For detailed drug submission requirements for patented drug products, visit the Health industry professionals page.

General products

>> For information, see Section 5.6 to 5.12 of this manual.

Review timelines

The target timeline to a decision (time-to-decision) is defined as the time form when the Ministry begins its review to the time the Ministry publicly communicates its decision.

The time-to-decision for a standard review is 9 months and for a complex review is 12 months. Complex reviews may involve the need to develop clinical coverage criteria and/or a Special Authority form, to complete a Product Listing Agreement or other implementation steps.

For submissions reviewed by CDA, the review start date is the issue date of the final Canadian Drug Expert Committee (CDEC) Recommendation and Reasons for Recommendation.

For other patented drug submissions (including line extensions and modification of criteria), the review start date is the date the complete submission is received by the Ministry.

For information on review periods for recently patented drugs, refer to the Quarterly Report on Completed Drug Submission Reviews (PDF, 514KB).

Submitting the documents

Sponsors are required to submit copies of their submissions to:

Director, Formulary Management
Pharmaceutical, Laboratory and Blood Services Division
Ministry of Health
PO Box 9652 Stn Prov Govt
1515 Blanshard St
Victoria BC  V8W 9P4

Submissions that are emailed to the Ministry will not be accepted for review.

If a drug submission has incomplete information, PharmaCare will contact the manufacturer with a request to complete the submission. Incomplete submissions cannot be reviewed.
